Monday, July 20, 2009


"Islamic Supremacist Group Holds First U.S. Conference," by Diane Macedo for FoxNews, July 17. (Excerpts):

"A group committed to establishing an international Islamic empire and reportedly linked to Al Qaeda is stepping up its Western recruitment efforts by holding its first official conference in the U.S.

"Hizb ut-Tahrir is a global Sunni network with reported ties to confessed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Al Qaeda in Iraq's onetime leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. It has operated discreetly in the U.S. for decades. Now, it is coming out of the shadows and openly hosting a July 19 conference entitled, 'The Fall of Capitalism and the Rise of Islam,' at a posh Hilton hotel in a suburb of Chicago.

"Some terrorism experts say it may be even more dangerous than many groups that are on the terror list. 'Hizb ut-Tahrir is one of the oldest, largest indoctrinating organizations for the ideology known as jihadism,' Walid Phares, director of the Future of Terrorism Project at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told

"Phares said that Hizb ut-Tahrir, rather than training members to carry out terrorist acts like Al Qaeda, focuses instead on indoctrinating youths between ages of 9 and 18 to absorb the ideology that calls for the formation of an empire — or 'khilafah' — that will rule according to Islamic law and condones any means to achieve it, including militant jihad...."

This is truly the enemy within and we must find a way to rid ourselves of it immediately. The next time Bin Laden calls for a Jihad could be their call to action.


Q. What do you call a male ladybug? (Javier – National City, CA)
A. That’s a question for Barney Frank.

Q. What does the word “jihad” mean?
(Al – Arlington Heights, IL)
A. In the Islamic Muslim sense, it means a holy war. Several radical Muslim groups with hundreds of underground “cells” in the United States are allegedly waiting for orders to come out in the open in a Jihad against us and our government.

Q. If we make guns illegal, how would domestic terrorists be able to conduct a Jihad against us?
(Victor – Tooele, UT)
A. If guns were made illegal, all criminals and terrorists would immediately turn them in, and only members of the NRA would refuse?

'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'
Barack Obama


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