Thursday, April 6, 2017


V.A. Secretary David Shulkin wants to see strong, affirmative legislation that will enable him to fire deadbeat and corrupt V.A. employees at will.  When he realized that he couldn’t terminate an employee who had been ducking his duties and watching pornography with a patient, he issued a statement urging Congress to pass accountability legislation, which is a huge move, given that former President Barack Obama stated flatly he would veto any such measures if they ever crossed his desk. 

The entire government is saddled with thousands of employees who should be booted.  There are tens of thousands of unemployed and under-employed workers who would give almost anything to have a government job and who would be willing to step up to the plate and do it right.  Frankly, the people remaining, the ones who want the job and want to do it right, could probably meet productivity and quality needs without even replacing the fired workers. 

Q. Do you think that Susan Rice committed a crime in the handling of intelligence information?  (Brette ~ Port Gamble, WA)
A. No way.  She’s a Democrat; crimes are committed by Republicans. 

Q. What do you think the Democrats will do if the Senate exercises the nuclear option?  (Rufus ~ Anderson, CA)
A. Hopefully, they’ll walk out of Washington with their tails tucked between their legs, never to show their pitiful, spiteful faces again.   

Q. Any thoughts on the high school in Laguna Hills, California that took down the mirrors in the girls’ restroom and replaced them with positive self-awareness posters?  (Belinda, ~ Martinez, CA)
A. Why take down the mirrors?  Girls have makeup to do and hair to straighten.  The posters could have gone on the walls.  To me, removing the mirrors is saying, “You’re too ugly to see yourself.”  Maybe the janitors got tired of cleaning them?   

“I feel that it is healthier to look out at the world through a window rather than through a mirror.  Otherwise, all you see is yourself and whatever is behind you.” ~ Bill Withers

TODAY’S VIDEO:  What happens when you have a bad case of hemorrhoids...

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