Friday, April 21, 2017


The sawed-off midget dictator in North Korea said yesterday that they will fire off a “super-mighty” preemptive strike at South Korea and the United States at any moment, thereby reducing both countries to ashes. 

Why don’t we send about 20 B-52’s over there loaded with little, yellow rubber duckies and drop them all on Kim Jong-un’s palace and let him play with them instead? 

Q. A six-year-old boy was caught with a loaded .25 pistol?  (Lem ~ Euclid, OH)
A. Yep, down in good old Missouri.  They found it in his desk.  Since I doubt he purchased it at a gun show, I have to presume his dad or mom just left it lying around.  It’s people like that who give us responsible gun owners a bad name; if that’s all of the respect they have for a gun, they should be barred from owning one. 

Q. New York’s May DeBlasio plans to raise cigarette prices to $13.00 a pack.  Any thoughts?  (Ford ~ Santa Fe Springs, CA)
A. It will accomplish two things: (1) force New Yorkers to go out of the city to get their smokes and (2) drop tax revenues.  It might also set up a localized black market for imported cigarettes.  Why doesn’t he just make a law barring anyone from exhaling smoke?   

Q. Is America’s infrastructure really in bad shape?  Or, is Trump just talking about a glorified, government-sponsored make jobs program?   (Richie ~ San Pedro, CA)
A. We’ve sadly neglected our nation’s bridges and dams.  Over the years, water flowing around bridge supports can cause “calving,” where the ground around the supports and the supports themselves become eroded and weak.  Water causes rust and a whole lot of bridges are put together with welds and rivets.  Floodwater gates at dams become inoperable after decades of little or no use.  And taxpayer money set aside to attend to these things is often glommed onto by legislatures and state governors trying to stave off bankruptcy.   

“The hardest thing in life to learn is which bridge to cross and which to burn.” ~ David Russell


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