Friday, April 7, 2017


The Syrian military, under direct orders from Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, recently bombed hundreds of its own citizens with horrible chemical weapons… again. 


Despite assurances by Vladimir Putin and John Kerry in 2014 that Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile had been removed, attacks have continued over the ensuing years and the Obama administration refused to address the humanitarian issue.  Allowing Assad to continue is even worse than allowing Hitler to exterminate Jews; we now know better.  I don’t much care if Putin stands in the way or not; Assad must go.  Otherwise, we are sentencing our own souls to hell. (UPDATE: Last night, American ships fired Tomahawk missiles at the Syrian airfield from which the chemical weapons were launched.  Great move by Trump).


Q. What do you suppose China’s Xi and Trump are really going to talk about?  (Kachina ~ Pueblo, CO)
A. Age-old strategies of the game of Chinese checkers.  Hopefully, they’ll fund some common ground upon which to build some détente. 

Q. How do you feel about Devin Nunes stepping aside from the House investigation?  (Kaiser ~ Vancouver, WA)
A. Surprised and disappointed.  Why do you fold when you have the winning hand?  To me, the Republicans showed another, ominous sign of weakness.  I guess he didn’t permanently step aside; only so long as it takes for the House Ethics Committee to clear him of left-wing charges.  I surely hope that this move does not impede the investigation of Trump-Russia charges or of Trump–Obama bugging charges.    

Q. What can be done to lower the prices on pharmaceuticals?  Some meds I must have cost more than a doctor’s visit, and I’m on a fixed income.  (Paisley ~ Davis, CA)
A. Trump has already made a giant step in that direction.  A recent article shows that some companies have started lowering prices in response to Trump’s demand that Medicaid and Medicare should be allowed to negotiate drug prices, that bidding should be allowed and that drug imports should be considered.  As for me, I believe the whole medical industry has turned very corrupt and that, for example, doctors prescribe drugs even when they are not needed, solely in order to keep demand up, prices up and stock values high.  They do own lots of stock in drug companies, you know.  Why should we be paying big money for drugs to lower blood pressure, when simply draining three or four quarts of blood will accomplish the same thing?  Just askin’….


“Property as compared with humanity, as compared with the red blood in the American people, must take second place, not first place.” ~ Woodrow Wilson


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