Monday, December 14, 2015


According to Russian authorities, a Turkish fishing vessel was in the Aegean Sea and was in danger of colliding with a Russian guided missile destroyer.  The destroyer reportedly tried to reach the fishing boat by radio and then by hand signals, but the vessel refused to change course, so the Russian destroyer warning shots at it.  The fishing boat then altered course. 

Tensions between Turkey and Russia are razor-sharp.  As tense as things are all over the Middle East right now, such an incident could easily touch off World War III, but Obama is so excited about global warming that he seems not to be paying attention. 
Q. I haven’t heard anything more about Iran’s second and illegal missile test.  What’s going on?  (Gladys ~ Shreveport, LA)
A. Just what we all knew would go on if the Iranians ever violated the terms of their “deal:” the administration is “looking at it.”  They should all be jailed for malfeasance or misfeasance. 

Q. Would Trump’s proposed temporary ban on Muslim immigrants be unconstitutional as some media pundits and political candidates claim?  (Sonny ~ Bellingham, WA)
A. No.  The Supreme Court has held consistently that constitutional protections which normally benefit Americans and people on American territory do not apply when Congress decides who to admit and who to exclude as immigrants or other entrants.  It’s too bad Trump wasn’t around to prevent Obama’s arrival in the U.S.

Q. How do you feel about Connecticut’s plan to ban gun sales to people on the terrorist watch list?  (Stu ~ Palo Cedro, CA)
A. Generally speaking, I think it’s a great idea.  However, there are countless people who are on that list in error who are legitimate, law-abiding citizens.  I would say that Connecticut needs to find a way to deal with that snafu first. 

“[Cruz] schooled the media. That’s what the American people are craving… for our leaders who are already in these positions of authority to tell the media to start getting focused on the things that concern us.” ~ Sarah Palin regarding he Colorado debates. 


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