Friday, December 18, 2015


Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has notified Congress that he’s approving the transfer or release of 17 GITMO detainees and that they are actively seeking locations to transfer another 48 detainees in the coming days and weeks. 

Obama is so set on closing GITMO that he continues to be ready, willing and able to release known terrorists during a time period when terrorist activity is growing in numbers and intensity. Be sure to send him a Christmas card in Hawaii. 
Q. What do you have to say about the Yale students who have been circulating a petition to repeal the First Amendment?  (Magdalena ~ Dorris, CA)
A. Shut up. 

Q. Why did Ash Carter come out and admit he had used private emails for government business and why did he wait so long to do it?  (Cleo ~ Ottumwa, IA)
A. The FBI may be looking at other Obama administration officials to see how pervasive this practice is among top management.  Or, it could be that they all sense the Clinton email controversy is not going to go away and that without a viable alternative candidate, their party is in deep doo-doo; so having Carter come out with this “admission” gives them they argument that “everybody does it, so it is really okay.”  You can bet your not-so-sweet bippees that there is an ulterior motive behind it all. 

Q. Why do you think Putin is praising Trump?  (Charles ~ Burlington, VT)
A. He’s doing it as a favor to Obama and/or Clinton because he knows that such an endorsement will hurt Trump’s candidacy.  Either that, or maybe he wants Trump to build a golf course near Moscow. 

“I don’t have horns.” ~ Hillary Clinton


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