Back in early November, if you can recall, Faisal Mohammad
stabbed four at the Merced campus of the University of California. He was described by his roommate as being “an
extreme Muslim,” and he carried a manifesto and ISIS flag. The White House and investigators in California
are steadfastly refusing to call it an act of terrorism.
I suppose the stabbings were caused by global warming?
Q. Do you think Obama has a real plan to close Gitmo? (Chase ~ Big Pine, CA)
A. As you know, we didn’t even ask for hostage releases when
negotiating the Iran nuclear deal and the administration offered no real reason for that. Suppose
you were to wake up tomorrow morning to discover that all “Western” hostages in
Iran had been released in exchange for the release of all Gitmo prisoners and
that Obama had therefore closed Gitmo? Just
sayin’… Nawww; Obama wouldn't do anything like that, would he?
Q. What is this talk of a “brokered GOP convention,” and
what does it mean? (Sally ~ Dallas, TX)
A. Suppose Trump has 60% of the delegates going into the
convention and they change the rules to require two-thirds of the delegates to
be declared the nominee? That stymies
Trump and releases the delegates from their pledges to cast their ballots for
Trump, thereby setting up the ability to pick someone else as the party
candidate. I would venture to guess that
if they were to attempt that, not only would everyone involved end up on the outside
looking in come November, but all Trump supporters and a good many more party
members would leave the Republican Party looking like the political jackasses
they are come election time.
Q. What do you think about all of those presidential
candidates saying that if Trump wins the primaries, it’ll be a slam dunk for
Hillary to beat him? (Phil ~ Reno, NV)
A. As Rush Limbaugh says… “Then why can’t [they]” beat him?
“In the last few years, the very idea of telling the truth,
the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is dredged up only as a final resort
when the alternative options of deception, threat and bribery have all been
exhausted.” ~ Michael Musto
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