Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Franklin Graham, president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, said Monday that he’s had it with the Republican Party and announced that he changed his political affiliation from Republican to Independent.  The final straw for the evangelist was last week’s Congressional approval of the $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill. 

Finally, someone from the religious sector of the country has had the guts to stand up against “politics as usual.”  I quit the Republican Party myself after the 2012 elections.  The GOP should quit putting on pretenses and simply fold itself into the Democrat Party.  Let those who disagree form a new party, the Patriot Party of America.   

Q. I still can’t believe that Bush says he is uncomfortable being in the lead.  (Virginia ~ Napa, CA)
A. He’s like Obama, I guess… wants to lead from behind. 

Q. Come on now, you have to agree that if we were able to get rid of all guns in the country, including those owned by criminals, the country would be a lot safer place.  (Red ~ Park City, UT)
A. Guns are not the problem; the people who use guns for violence will, as I’ve said consistently, resort to other methods if you take away their guns.  Take China, for instance, where there have been strict rules to prevent any of the populace from having guns for years.  Their violent crime still exists in the form of stabbings… even mass killings using knives.  So, the answer is not gun confiscation, which simply puts the citizens at the mercy of their government, but attacking the underlying reasons of violence in general. 

Q. Iranian hackers took control of a dam near New York City in 2013 and the government has been keeping a lid on it.  Why?  (Genevieve ~ Red Bluff, CA)
A. We were ramping up talks with Iran on their nuclear weapons program and it didn’t fit the White House narrative at the time.  This president will only allow the press and media to tell us what he wants them to; nothing more and nothing less, even if it’s a lie. 

“If the president held a press conference tomorrow and directed every federal jurisdiction to round up every felon with a gun, drug dealer with a gun and criminal gangbanger with a gun, law enforcement would have thousands of violent thugs in handcuffs and squad cars by sundown.  Instead, he waits for a crime that fits his agenda… and blames the NRA.  Mr. President we will not accept the blame for your failure.” ~ Wayne LaPierre, NRA


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