Tuesday, December 1, 2015


That’s the word from the union representing agents in the Rio Grande Valley sector, which says that traffic on the southern border is “unseasonably” “more than we’ve ever gotten this time of the year” and further describes the border as a “smuggler’s paradise” and “very porous.” The union’s leader adds: “There’s no political willpower to let us do our job. We’re — it’s more — Border Patrol, they’re using us window-dressing, but they’re not really letting us go out there and enforce the laws that are on the books, and do what needs to be done.”

I wonder how many of them are Middle Eastern terrorists, or illegals waiting to come and get another Kate Steinle.  Let’s face it: We have NO border with Mexico. 
Q. I know that Obama tried to make it a rule that no pork could be served in federal prisons and that he was forced to back off from that plan.  I also know most people believe he is a Muslim.  Do they serve pork in the White House?  (Jimmy ~ Kingman, AZ)
A. The White House Staff Mess does serve bacon and sausage for breakfast.  I do not know whether or not pork is served to the Obama residence, but they do eat plenty of crow. 

Q. I’m concerned about our national security.  We forced NSA to quit collecting bulk data on citizens without a court order, but now it appears they may need that information to protect us from terrorists.  What do you think; should we change our minds?  (Flip ~ Kansas City, MO) 
A. They can still obtain such information with a court order.  We have a constitutional guarantee against illegal searches.  Those who are willing to give up liberty in order to gain security are soon destined to have neither. 

Q. Trump keeps insisting he saw Muslims cheering in New Jersey after 9/11.  What do you think?  (Penny ~ Shasta Lake City, CA)
A. I remember seeing videos of Muslims cheering in the Middle East.  I also remember Americans getting into legal troubles for hanging American flags from overpasses.  I do not remember Muslims dancing in the streets in New Jersey, but that doesn’t mean it did not happen.  However, there should be some video of it somewhere. 

“This mass terrorism is the new evil in our world today.  It is perpetrated by fanatics who are utterly indifferent to the sanctity of human life and we, the democracies of the world, are going to have to come together and fight it together.” ~ British Prime Minister Tony Blair on 9/11/2001 


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