Saturday, December 12, 2015


Two men of “Middle Eastern” descent purchased over 100 disposable cellphones at two separate Missouri Walmarts starting last Saturday, thereby cleaning both stores out of their stock.  They paid with cash. 

Maybe they were buying phones for their friends for Christmas presents?  Now, the natural reaction would be that it smells like terrorism afoot, but Obama won’t allow us to think like that, so I’ll stick with the Christmas present idea. 
Q. I heard there are a whole lot of witnesses who are insisting there were three people involved in the San Bernardino attack.  How come nobody is discussing that?  (Blake ~ Oregon City, OR)
A. There is a remote possibility that another person was involved; if there was, it could very well be they’re keeping the lid on it pending further investigation. 

Q. Is there any solid indication yet as to how voters are viewing Trump after his plan to temporarily halt Muslim immigration was announced?  (Cedric ~ Redding, CA)
A. A poll in the process of being conducted yesterday by had Trump at 70%, Cruz at 17% and everyone else in the single digits.  Interestingly, the “everyone else” has been very vocal against Trump’s proposal, while Cruz has not.   

Q. Following up on your revelation yesterday that the Republican National Committee is feverishly scheming to have a brokered national convention, I understand Ben Carson is now threatening to run as a third-party candidate.  Can you see both him and Trump on the same third-party ticket?  (Lena ~ Livermore, CA) 
A. No.  I think they are too far part from an ideological standpoint.  I can, however, see Trump and Cruz on the same ticket and think Cruz might split from the GOP.  For the last couple of weeks, Trump and Cruz have collectively been over the 50% mark in the polls.  I agree with Carson that a brokered convention would destroy the Republican Party. 

“There is a garbage culture out there, where we pour garbage on people.  Then the pollsters run around and take a poll and say… do you smell anything?” ~ Bob Woodward


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