Friday, October 9, 2015


Rupert Murdoch has spoken words which are already exploding in the ranks of liberalism.  “Ben and Candy Carson terrific. What about a real black President who can properly address the racial divide? And much else,” he Tweeted. 

Liberals throughout the U.S. made a mad dash for their commodes, and the airwaves and Internet almost collapsed under the weight of loud and unusually obscene protests.  Well, let me interject: If Barack Hussein Obama is truly a Black, then he has done the biggest disservice to the Black Community of all time, and Blacks in this country should be leading the charge to get rid of him.     

Q. What’s going on with the Republicans in the House?  (Julio ~ Santa Fe, TX)
A. All of their internal bickering and backstabbing is boiling to the surface and their “hierarchy” has been mortally wounded.  If they don’t get their act together and coalesce soon… very soon… Americans are going to literally destroy them, because Americans have had more than enough.  Outside of that, everything is peachy keen. 

Q. After McCarthy withdrew from the Speaker’s race yesterday, why didn’t they go ahead and vote on the two remaining candidates, Chaffetz and Webster?  (Yolanda ~ Tucson, AZ)
A. Because John Boehner was afraid one of those two would win, and he wants to be the one who “engineers” who is going to be Speaker, just like he’s been engineering the House through a disastrous five years of Republican leadership.  McCarthy was handpicked by Boehner for the job, and now he’ll come up with somebody else.  It’s not a matter of who the House membership wants as Speaker, it’s a matter of who John Boehner will allow to succeed him. 

Q. What’s this latest skinny about Hillary having another backup for her emails?  (Grey ~ Ferndale, WA)
A. The Colorado company that was overseeing her backup in turn subcontracted with another firm to create an additional backup, just in case something went wrong.  The second company put the backup onto the cloud, which is totally without security and totally available to hacking.  The FBI is now investigating this new development and has also marched into the State Department to seize some of their servers as well.  Hillary is caught in a huge web of lies and deceits of her own making, rivaling those of Obama. 

“The sad truth is that the civil rights movement cannot be reborn until we identify the causes of black suffering, some of them self-inflicted.  Why can’t black leaders organize rallies around responsible sexuality, birth within marriage, parents reading to their children and students staying in school and doing their homework?” ~ Henry Louis Gates


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