Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Turkey’s heads of state have made it abundantly clear they will react with force to another Russian incursion into their airspace after two incidents over the weekend.  In addition to public statements, the Turkish Foreign Ministry summoned the Russian ambassador to Ankara to protest, and Foreign Minister Feridun Sinirlioğlu called Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov personally to warn him to ensure further violations of Turkish sovereignty do not occur, according to BREITBART.COM.   

Russia’s incursions into Turkey are seen by many to be a deliberate attempt to intimidate NATO.  Secretary of Defense Ash Carter is said to have been trying desperately to contact his Russian counterpart, who has been refusing to take the calls.  This whole Middle East scenario, clearly Obama's fault, is far beyond laughable; it is downright dangerous to the security of the world.    

Q. Do you think we are guilty of war crimes in the bombing of that medical facility in Afghanistan?  (Lucy ~ Morgan Hill, CA)
A. I don’t want to diminish that tragedy, but I am far more concerned about the fact that Russia has deliberately violated Turkish airspace on at least two occasions and not only is Obama not doing anything about it, he’s basically trying to cover it up.  That’s one of the major reasons you are hearing so much about this hospital.  I am beginning to suspect that Obama is being complicit with Putin. 

Q. Edward Snowden says he’s willing to go to jail if allowed to return to the U.S.  What’s your opinion?  (Jeremy ~ Yuba City, CA)
A. In the first place, he’s a United States citizen and he has the right to return to this country; he doesn’t need permission from anybody, so I think he’s just testing the waters.  Secondly, if he does return think he should be held up to the country as a national hero, but don’t count on Obama having a beer with him in the Rose Garden. 

Q. Did I hear that there is a move on by Muslims in this country to ban ham sandwiches?  (Gerry ~ Las Cruces, NM) 
A. That’s correct.  The guidelines published by CoExist House, a US and UK-based interfaith group, recommend an outright ban of pork products from office kitchens to avoid “offending” employees of the Muslim and Jewish faiths.  “It would be good etiquette to avoid heating up foods that might be prohibited for people of other faiths,” said Andy Dinham, a University of London professor who wrote the guidelines for CoExist House. “We also say, ‘Don’t put kosher or halal and other… special foods next to another [food] or, God forbid, on the same plate.”  Wow!  If we get rid of all of the pork in this country, what will happen to Congress???

“Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation.” ~ Barack Hussein Obama


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