Monday, October 5, 2015


Russia’s Putin is ordering the immediate drafting of 150,000 more troops, a fact barely mentioned in the liberal press or media. 

So, the Pope visited with Obama, China’s Premier visited, Castro visited and Putin visited; everybody in the White House was all warm and fuzzy.  Two days later, Russia took over in the Middle East.  No one orders up 150,000 more troops unless they’re planning to invade someone.  So, just what is it that you suppose these guys are up to next?  Does it bother you any that American military troop levels are at their lowest since before World War II? 

Q. Did I hear there is a call for the State Department to declare the NRA a terrorist organization?  (Priscella ~ Olympia, WA)
A. Yes, the NEW YORK DAILY NEWS says the NRA and armed Americans pose a bigger threat to our national security than foreign terrorists.  Frankly, I’m less concerned about the NRA or foreign terrorists than I am about the left-wing liberal Marxist nuts of this country. 

Q. Why isn’t the mediate reporting that the loon who shot up Umpqua College was black?  (Oren ~ Pendleton, OR)
A. Because they would have us believe that only whites do such things.  Besides, he was only half black; his mother was black, his father was white.  And the deceased victims were Christians, so that makes it okay. 

Q. John Bolton just said that John Kerry should resign.  What do you think the odds are of that happening?  (Chester ~ Goleta, CA)
A. About the same as the odds of Obama ever making a truthful statement, unless... Kerry should decide to go ahead and run for the White House again.  And that possibility probably explains why there has been so much talk lately about awarding Kerry with the Nobel Peace Prize. 

“To anger a conservative, lie to him; to anger a liberal, tell him the truth.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt

TODAY’S VIDEO: How would you like to wake up tomorrow morning to this? 

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