Friday, September 26, 2014


… After Obama took charge of the government.  The Government Accountability Office issued a report this week detailing how the Obama administration has failed to adequately document where $3.7 billion in taxpayer money was spent promoting Obamacare’s online marketplace.


Actually, that $3.7 billion is chump change when you consider how much in total this ObamaCare has cost the country.  When you add in the money he robbed from Medicare and Medicaid to fool you into thinking they were wasting less than they are, the total comes to well over… $1 TRILLION dollars.  Just think about how many greens fees you could pay with that. 


Q. Iranian’s President Hassan Rouhani has called U.S. attacks in Syrian illegal.  He says we can go into Iraq, because Iraq gave permission, but Syria did not.  Are we going to be charged with war crimes now?  (Duke ~ Houston, TX)
A. Well, Rouhani is legally correct, but I would say that he has a lot of guts calling it illegal when he is not complying with U.N. demands for stopping his nuclear weapons program.  He can’t have it both ways, unless he’s an Obamacrat. 

Q. More and more, it looks like you were correct in that Jeb Bush is going to run for President.  Do you think it’s going to be the same old same old with the Republicans in 2016?  (Garcia ~ Eugene, OR)
A. Yes.  Look for Romney and Bush.  The Republican hierarchy remains bound and determined to shoot itself in the foot… with a self-assault weapon.   

Q. I know you dislike Holder almost as much as you dislike Obama.  Now that Holder has announced his resignation, what do you have to say?  (Diana ~ Corte Madera, CA)
A. Bye, bye now.  


“I don’t miss politics.” ~ Jeb Bush


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