Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Since the early 1990s, the United Nations high commissioner for refugees has selected more than 200,000 refugees from Islamic countries to be resettled in the United States. Most of them have come from Somalia and Iraq.  Now, the State Department is gearing up to accept displaced Syrians as the next wave of Muslim refugees.  The Obama administration has been greasing the skids for the Syrian refugees for months and the refugees will soon be dumped on American cities throughout the U.S.

Who cares about the fact that our southern border is wide open to I.S.I.S.?  Now, we could even be flying them over here at our cost and putting them on the public dole while they scheme and plot against us.  Where in the hell did these government idiots get their brains… out of a Cracker Jack Box? 

Q. You’ve written about the Inspector General in the V.A. watering down his investigative reports to satisfy V.A. bosses. Does the Justice Department have an I.G.?  (Chip ~ San Mateo, CA)
A. Yes.  Michael E. Horowitz recently testified: “Since 2010 and 2011, the FBI and some other Department components have not read Section 6(a) of the IG Act as giving my Office access to all records in their possession and therefore have refused our requests for various types of Department records. As a result, a number of our reviews have been significantly impeded.”  Well I’ll be darned, can you imagine that? 

Q. How come the fact that the government threatened Yahoo with huge fines if they didn’t turn over user records hasn’t made the news?  (Flicker ~ Canton, OH)
A. Yahoo says they were threatened in 2008 with a $250,000 per day fine and therefore complied.  It hasn't made the news because the Justice Department is monitoring what reporters print and where they get their information.  Now, if the N.S.A. has your emails, why don’t they have Lois Lerner’s? 

Q. I.S.I.S. is growing very rapidly and recently vowed Armageddon against the U.S. and western allies.  At the same time, a former French I.S.I.S. captive is saying more hostages are in line to have their heads chopped off.  Why are we letting third-rate Iraqi and Syrian fighters take the first line of defense?  (Ho ~ Sacramento, CA)
A. Because we have a jackass for a President and a bunch of rabid donkeys in Congress.  Frankly, I’d rather stay out than go into this mess with their leadership as it is currently being displayed.  Please pass the barley straw. 

“All the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery and war proceed from their depressing or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible.” ~ Noah Webster

TODAY’S VIDEO:  (Do you know where your wife is?)

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