Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Although ObamaCare has been the “law of the land” since October’s implementation of signups, and although ObamaCare was designed to make sure everyone in the country has insurance, the actual number of insured people in the country has dropped, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. 

Well, just who are you going to believe: Obama’s reports or the Census Bureau? 

Q. Why do you insist on saying we have to have ground troops to take out I.S.I.S.?  (Karla ~ Alturas, CA)
A. There is no way… no way… that we can defeat these scum from the air.  Everyone who knows anything about war and about terrorists agrees with me.  If you’re intending to win, you never send in the second string to start.  Now then, I have a question for you: Why isn’t I.S.I.S. taking on Russia or China?  Could it be because bullies only pick on the weak? 

Q. Leading Democrats have launched a very serious campaign to force Rush Limbaugh off the air.  Do you think they will succeed?  (Uncle Runt ~ Blaine, WA)
A. Isn’t that just typical Democrat thinking?  If they don’t like or understand what you are saying, then they want to establish limited “free speech zones” or even to shut you up altogether.  That’s Communistic, fascist, Nazi, Marxist dogma, pure and simple, and the Democrats are espousing it.  They need to lose their jobs in November and go join I.S.I.S. in December. 

Q. The U.S. tax code is over 70,000 pages and growing.  How can we be expected to follow all of that that?  (Billy ~ Yuma, AZ)
A. That’s the whole idea: you can’t.  So, you’re forced to hire a tax expert to do your taxes for you; hence, retiring I.R.S. guys are guaranteed a plush retirement income as tax consultants.  Uh, by the way… you can’t renounce your citizenship and leave the country either, unless you’re willing to pay a $500,000 Obama-invented tax penalty.  He’s so cool. 

“The income tax created more criminals than any other single act of government.” ~ Barry Goldwater


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