Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I was on vacation in Washington State and returned late to the mountain top to get my blogs posted when I realized that my UPS had died.  So, there I was, all ready to write and no way to do it.  

Well, I could have ventured down into the deep, dark abyss of power cords and attempted to untangle the mess, plug the pertinent power cords into a surge protector and then done my journalistic chores.  But, there was another problem... I had a glass of Irish whiskey on the rocks staring me in the face.  So, I did the natural thing and took care of first things first; I drank the whiskey.  

Unlike someone else in the country, I will now accept the blame for not getting published yesterday.  And I will apologize for ignoring my duties to you, the loyal reader.  And I will not mention the fact that James Clapper and George Bush were both sitting here drinking along with me, thereby preventing me from properly doing my job.  

But then again, I don't occupy the White House, either. 

I'll be back in my usual and rare form tomorrow.  

The Hermit. 

Monday, September 29, 2014


President Obama alleged yesterday on CBS 60 MINUTES that U.S. intelligence officials "underestimated" the threat posed by the Islamic State and overestimated the Iraqi army’s capacity to defeat them, thereby causing his failure to take action in Iraq and Syria. 

Let's again make one thing clear: Obama started the bombing and missile raids in Iraq and Syria because he was sinking in the polls; he did it to save his own ass, not to protect America.  How he has the audacity to look at himself in the mirror in the morning and call himself a president of anything except the National Liars Club is beyond me. 

Q. I hear that the new Washington, D.C. law allowing concealed carry provides for public disclosure of the names and address of permit holders? (Izzy ~ Detroit, MI)
A. That measure was introduced as an amendment to the new law, but withdrawn.  That does disclose the mentality of the anti-gun movement, however.  Since the Courts ruled that D.C. must issue such permits, they want to “get even.”  Thank God they can’t shoot straight.  

Q. What do you think about the disclosure that government bureaucrats are watching porn on their PC’s on government time?  (Percy ~ Lawton, OK)
A. I don’t see anything wrong with it.  They’re screwing the public all of the time anyway.  The only difference is that they don’t use condoms when they’re screwing the public. 

Q. The news last week came that the White House Press Pool is being censored by White House officials; they cannot release a story unless it is approved by the Press Secretary and their stories are routinely “corrected?” 
A. I’ve indicated this was going on many times in the past.  Up until now, reporters have been threatened that their White House press credentials would be revoked if they did not comply.  Obviously, the White House has some big things to hide, but I’m told that Obama’s biggest fear is that someone might discover his golf handicap. 

“As to the evil which results from a censorship, it is impossible to measure it, for it is impossible to tell where it ends.” ~ Jeremy Bentham


Saturday, September 27, 2014


The FBI has been handcuffed in terms of investigating religious extremists in mosques, as a result of guidelines put out by the attorney general earlier this year. There is a definite problem now in investigating those militants in the United States who are either recruiting for ISIS or have returned from Syria or Iraq having fought for ISIS, and are ready to carry out freelance or directed terrorist attacks on behalf of ISIS against the United States, according to BREITBART.COM. 

Now isn't that just a fine kettle of fish?  How many militants fighting for I.S.I.S. are NOT Muslims?  Where has this nation let our "leader" lead us?  (Oh yeah... to the I-PadStore.) 

Q. Now that we’re engaged against terrorism, have you changed your opinion of Obama?  (Myrtle ~ Ocean Shores, WA)
A. No, not at all.  Obama did not do a damned thing except to stick his head in the sand and proclaim Al Qaeda to be finished off until American public opinion turned against him.  His motives, therefore, were no to save the country but… to save his own sorry ass. 

Q. Why did Obama have to essentially apologize to the rest of the world again for the United States at the U.N. meeting this week?  (Ellie ~ Boise, ID)
A. Because he hates America and wishes desperately that he’d been born in Kenya. 

Q. Now that we’ve started attacks on I.S.I.S., do you think that the chance of some terrorist attack within the U.S. has increased?  (Vic ~ Yreka, CA)
A. Yes, beyond a doubt.  Don’t you wonder why our terrorist threat level has not increased?  I think Obama is waiting for some Republican to be beheaded. In the meantime, enjoy your Krispy Kremes. 

“When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer ‘Present’ or ‘Not Guilty.’” ~ Theodore Roosevelt


Friday, September 26, 2014


… After Obama took charge of the government.  The Government Accountability Office issued a report this week detailing how the Obama administration has failed to adequately document where $3.7 billion in taxpayer money was spent promoting Obamacare’s online marketplace.


Actually, that $3.7 billion is chump change when you consider how much in total this ObamaCare has cost the country.  When you add in the money he robbed from Medicare and Medicaid to fool you into thinking they were wasting less than they are, the total comes to well over… $1 TRILLION dollars.  Just think about how many greens fees you could pay with that. 


Q. Iranian’s President Hassan Rouhani has called U.S. attacks in Syrian illegal.  He says we can go into Iraq, because Iraq gave permission, but Syria did not.  Are we going to be charged with war crimes now?  (Duke ~ Houston, TX)
A. Well, Rouhani is legally correct, but I would say that he has a lot of guts calling it illegal when he is not complying with U.N. demands for stopping his nuclear weapons program.  He can’t have it both ways, unless he’s an Obamacrat. 

Q. More and more, it looks like you were correct in that Jeb Bush is going to run for President.  Do you think it’s going to be the same old same old with the Republicans in 2016?  (Garcia ~ Eugene, OR)
A. Yes.  Look for Romney and Bush.  The Republican hierarchy remains bound and determined to shoot itself in the foot… with a self-assault weapon.   

Q. I know you dislike Holder almost as much as you dislike Obama.  Now that Holder has announced his resignation, what do you have to say?  (Diana ~ Corte Madera, CA)
A. Bye, bye now.  


“I don’t miss politics.” ~ Jeb Bush


Thursday, September 25, 2014


Holy Cincinnati!  China has had the nerve to tell Obama where to take his “climate change” agenda!  China says it is not going to pony up a dime and that the costs of any such initiative around the world must be borne by “Western nations,” meaning us.  The Chinese communist regime insists that the incentive payments it demands must come from “new, additional, adequate, predictable and sustained public funds, rather than mostly private financing, as the U.S. hopes.


I have to have the temerity to ask: If we don’t have enough money to prosecute the war on terror, and if we’ve already literally put ObamaCare into bankruptcy due to its massive overspending and lack of enrollments, where in the hell are we going to get the money to finance the rest of the world in a phony Gorey Obama Global Warming scheme? Oh, that's right... Obama is going to raise the national minimum wage to $15.00 an hour, so we'll be able to afford it. 


Q. I have concerns about the Ebola virus coming to the U.S., especially when our Centers for Disease Control has shown such a lax safety record recently.  (Charmaine ~ Richmond, CA)
A. Hmm, let’s see.  Anthrax, smallpox, bird flu…. And the Lord only knows how many other security breaches there have been that they didn’t talk about.  But, don’t worry about it; if the danger gets too high, Obama will send 3,000 troops to contain it.  He’s so cool.  

Q. Why do we have to get involved in Iraq again?  I.S.I.S. is their problem, not ours.  (Danny ~ Leavenworth, KS)
A. If we had maintained that attitude in our history, it’s a tossup as to whether we’d all be speaking German, Italian, Japanese or Russian by now.  I.S.I.S. is an embodiment of evil that is intent on ruling the world and killing all non-believers.  The real question to ask is: “Why, at this moment when the world stands at the precipice of World War III, have we saddled ourselves with Barack Obama as President?” 

Q. Do you really think Obama would endanger the Middle East by allowing Iran to obtain nuclear weapons in exchange for their help against I.S.I.S.?  (Lester ~ Hayward, CA)
A. Yes, he would rather do that than to put American troops on the ground at this point.  In short, he is more concerned about his Presidential legacy as being a “peacetime President” than he is about World War III.  Only the polls can change his mind or, perhaps, sinking a 50-foot putt. 


“If Iran and North Korea, by some horrible, devilish, nightmarish scenario, got together and went to war at the same time, one against Saudi Arabia and one against South Korea, I don’t know what we would do about that.  I don’t know that we could stop them short of using nuclear weapons.” ~ Ben Stein

TODAY’S VIDEO:  (Wow, am I relieved to hear this…)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Although ObamaCare has been the “law of the land” since October’s implementation of signups, and although ObamaCare was designed to make sure everyone in the country has insurance, the actual number of insured people in the country has dropped, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. 

Well, just who are you going to believe: Obama’s reports or the Census Bureau? 

Q. Why do you insist on saying we have to have ground troops to take out I.S.I.S.?  (Karla ~ Alturas, CA)
A. There is no way… no way… that we can defeat these scum from the air.  Everyone who knows anything about war and about terrorists agrees with me.  If you’re intending to win, you never send in the second string to start.  Now then, I have a question for you: Why isn’t I.S.I.S. taking on Russia or China?  Could it be because bullies only pick on the weak? 

Q. Leading Democrats have launched a very serious campaign to force Rush Limbaugh off the air.  Do you think they will succeed?  (Uncle Runt ~ Blaine, WA)
A. Isn’t that just typical Democrat thinking?  If they don’t like or understand what you are saying, then they want to establish limited “free speech zones” or even to shut you up altogether.  That’s Communistic, fascist, Nazi, Marxist dogma, pure and simple, and the Democrats are espousing it.  They need to lose their jobs in November and go join I.S.I.S. in December. 

Q. The U.S. tax code is over 70,000 pages and growing.  How can we be expected to follow all of that that?  (Billy ~ Yuma, AZ)
A. That’s the whole idea: you can’t.  So, you’re forced to hire a tax expert to do your taxes for you; hence, retiring I.R.S. guys are guaranteed a plush retirement income as tax consultants.  Uh, by the way… you can’t renounce your citizenship and leave the country either, unless you’re willing to pay a $500,000 Obama-invented tax penalty.  He’s so cool. 

“The income tax created more criminals than any other single act of government.” ~ Barry Goldwater


Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Secretary of State John Kerry is warning that Global warming is the top threat facing the world. 

I wonder if the guys in I.S.I.S. know that they’re only number two, (pardon the play on words)?  Well, fear not; Obama will send out 3,000 troops and we’ll take care of this problem right away, yes siree!  By the way, if you think this “problem” isn’t going to be solved without raising your taxes, you have another thing coming.  The best way to cure “global warming” is to stomp out the hot air of politicians, and we can get rid of a lot of wind rustling through the trees at the same time.  

Q. I frequently see pictures of the U.S. Capitol surrounded by scaffolding.  What are they doing?  (Anna ~ Vancouver, WA)
A. There are over 1,300 cracks in the dome, undoubtedly caused by decades of escaping hot air and Congressional flaps. There has been some discussion of removing the dome and replacing it with a turban. 

Q. I just discovered that getting rid of your old computer, cellphone or tablet may expose you to identity theft.  How can that be?  (Rhonda ~ Redding, CA)
A. Any information you have in your tech devices becomes available to thieves when you toss it, whether you toss it into the trash, donate it to charity or turn it in to the dealer.  This applies even if you remove all files and run defrag.  As far as tablets and cellphones go, after you remove your files you can run a reboot and reset to factory defaults and that will clean up the problem, if you remove your SIM Card at the same time.  As for PC’s, I recommend running some type of complete removal software, (there are several available at nominal cost).  Or, you can ship your hard drive to the IRS, which has mastered the art of permanently removing all sensitive information from hard drives. 

Q. I was flabbergasted to hear Jimmy Carter come out and say that Obama needs to get on the ground and go defeat I.S.I.S.  He’s the last person on the face of the earth I expected to hear that from.  (Warren ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. Sounds like he's been drinking Billy Beer, doesn't it?  You would surmise that Carter’s remarks would make Obama reconsider?  There are three things you need to know about Obama: (1) Once his mind is made up, his back has to be to the political wall before he will consider any alternatives; (2) He despises the military and anything its officers have to say; (3) his balls are in his golf bag. 

“Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.” ~ Aldous Huxley


Monday, September 22, 2014


Recent surveys indicate that at least 25% of Americans would favor their home state’s secession from the union. 

Americans are sick and tired of the national debt, wide-open borders, Washington corruption, federal regulations and non-responsiveness of our elected representatives.  As I said the other day, we are of the opinion that we should all secede and leave the District Columbia with the consequences of its own actions.  We'll need to install huge fans to blow their stench offshore.  

Q. How do the lower-ranking members of the military feel about following Obama back into Iraq? (Steve ~ Holbrook, AZ)
A. The vast majority of them have low respect for the President.  They see his claim that he is 100% behind them as a photo op…. that he’s said that before and then forgotten what he said as soon as he got off stage.  They don’t understand why he’s sending 3,000 troops to Africa to fight Ebola and refusing to send troops to Iraq to fight and defeat an enemy.  They see the President as being somewhat like General Custer on the night before the Battle of the Little Bighorn.    

Q. I can’t believe that guy actually got to the front door of the White House?  What was his motivation?  (Julian ~ Merced, CA)
A. He was trying to collect a golf bet from Obama.  The Secret Service identified the man as Omar J. Gonzalez, 42, of Copperas Cove, Texas. He was charged with unlawful entry into the White House complex and transported to a nearby hospital complaining of chest pain.  He’ll probably file a lawsuit for use of excessive force. 

Q. Rand Paul says we should essentially be an isolationist country and withdraw from our leadership role while staying away from “police actions.”  Is this all possible?  (Halle ~ Victorville, CA)
A. No, and Paul is backing away from his Libertarian and Tea Party positions.  From a technological standpoint, we still have the best military in the world.  While we have no business being a cavalier, holier-than-thou or heavy-handed force, there are times when only nations such as the U.S., Russia or China have the military capacity to deal with a crisis.  Both Russia and China have a strong tendency to be imperialist land-grabbers, so we are the logical ones to take the lead.  And if we try to isolate ourselves, who is going to supply us with so many manufactured goods we have pushed offshore due to our tax laws?  We’ve really become dependent on the international community, thanks to decades of “brilliant leadership” in Washington.    

“We don’t thrive on military acts.  We do them because we have to, and thank God we are efficient.” ~ Golda Meir


Saturday, September 20, 2014


First, it was the revelation that we taxpayers are funding abortions, although Obama firmly promised otherwise.  Now, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is admitting that the ObamaCare enrollment figure of 8 million which was released a few months ago was “exaggerated.”  Only 7.3 million had signed up, according to CMMS.  "As many as 115,000 could lose their coverage this month because they haven't validated their citizenship or legal status. Another 360,000 or so could lose their Obamacare subsidies because of discrepancies over income, which will likely drive many of them to drop their now overpriced health plans," according to BUSINESS INVESTORS DAILY.  The revised figures reflect that funding for the ObamaCare program is in dire jeopardy.  

They'll be looking to the taxpayers for a bailout.  I said at the time those figures were released that I felt they were bogus.  I used to think that the Russians and Chinese were the experts on misinformation, disinformation, mal-information and lack of information, but these guys in the Obama Administration make the Russians and Chinese look like amateurs.  They should be on the Ted Mack Show. 

Q. How do you feel about the vote on the separation of Scotland from the United Kingdom?  (Chauncey ~ Atlanta, GA)
A. To be honest with you, I have been very afraid that the price of good scotch might soar.  Now that this has been settled, maybe we can get on with the split-off of northern California.  Gosh… what would happen if the 50 states decided to secede from the Union and leave Washington D.C. sitting all alone by itself… with their own damned debt and President? 

Q. With about two weeks of political posturing about what to do with I.S.I.S., has your opinion changed any?  (Melanie ~ Lake Forest Park, WA)
A. Not a bit.  If I had been President, we would have gone in to Iraq with guns blazing about three months ago and it would all be over by now.  If we could decimate Hussein and his army in three days like we did in the Gulf War, why should this effort take “years?”  I’m really upset about this sanitary, politically correct, holier-than-thou approach to dealing with bloodthirsty terrorists.  Bill Clinton says there is no way we can win a ground war in Iraq.  We’ve done it twice, and convincingly, but we withdrew too early both times.  On the other hand, if we leave the politicians in charge, he’s correct. 

Q. I understand that they have found another Jewish extermination site in Poland, where as many as 250,000 Jews were killed.  Doesn’t this serve as a warning about what I.S.I.S. wants to do with us?  (Milo ~ Hanford, CA)
A. Absolutely, and anyone who doesn’t understand that doesn’t understand the history of evil in the world.  The only way to deal with such evil is to exterminate it before it exterminates you.  You can’t “contain” it, you can’t “manage” it and you can’t treat it with kid gloves. 

“My wish for you is that your skeptic-eclectic brain be flooded with the light of truth.” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


Friday, September 19, 2014


Fake cell towers are popping up around the country in multitudes, particularly in Washington, D.C. The “towers” aren’t necessarily large structures that people may think. Instead, the devices are small enough that it could be anyone sitting up in an apartment building, it could be a device embedded in a copy machine inside of an office.  They can be embedded in another piece of equipment or be inside of a wall.” Their purpose appears to be to electronically trick cell phones into allowing access to confidential data. 

As Monica Lewinsky might say, we have entered an era where nothing we do or say is private, even in our bedrooms.  Let’s face it… we have lost control of our freedoms. 

Q. I hear that the NEW YORK TIMES has fessed up to perpetuating a lie about “assault weapons” being frequently used by criminals.  Can you fill in the details?  (Matt ~ Longview, WA)
A. You can spot a criminal a mile away if he’s carrying any type of long gun; that’s why they use pistols instead.  Now, the anti-gunners are starting to harp on pistols as being the culprit that has to be removed from all American hands.  When are they going to start addressing the real problem, which is: weapons of any kind in the hands of the mentally disturbed or those with criminal intent?  It’s a psychological and/or sociological problem, pure and simple.  The left-wing nuts and I.S.I.S. are the only ones who really want to disarm Americans. 

Q. I know you’ve mentioned it from time to time, but whatever did happen to the Fast & Furious scandal?  (Rolf ~ Minden, NV)
A. It continues to percolate its way through the court system.  The DOJ filed a request Monday before U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson, asking the court to allow the department to keep under wraps more than 60,000 pages of Fast and Furious documents until the appeals process following her ruling on whether the documents are protected under executive privilege has run its course.  They have no intentions whatsoever of ever releasing those documents; they’ll end up in a deep, dark abyss someplace along with Lois Lerner’s emails, the real Benghazi story and Obama’s birth certificate. 

Q. Is it true that Obamacare funds abortions?  I thought they took that provision out way back when they approved it in the middle of the night.  (Hymie ~ Salt Lake City, UT)
A. Chalk it up to yet another broken promise explicitly made by Barack Hussein Obama.  He’s a terrorist in his own way and, I believe, just as dangerous to America. 

“If once you forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem.”  ~ Abraham Lincoln