Tuesday, June 4, 2013


The White House has ordered an intensive smear campaign against House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa according to NEWSMAX.  In an effort to make Issa the villain instead of Obama, the White House is dragging out old, unproven charges from over 40 years ago, many of which were summarily dropped; White House minions are portraying those charges as being a valid reason for not listening to what Issa’s committee has to say about the growing scandals in Washington.    

How does any proffered wrong doing by Issa 40 years ago mitigate the Benghazi Massacre or the I.R.S. scandals of 2010 thru 2012? 

Q. How do you feel about Frank Lautenberg’s death and who do you think Chris Christi will appoint to replace him?  (Travis ~ Martinez, CA)
A. He was a radical, left-wing liberal.  Although Christi is Republican, don’t look for him to name a right-wing conservative to the post.  People from New Jersey belong on another planet. 

Q. They keep saying that the IRS targeting of conservatives was ordered by Washington as if that were some big surprise.  I want to know if it came from the White House.  (Jake ~ Laramie WY)
A. Here are two clues: (1) the former head of the IRS visited the White House more than any other cabinet-level or senior Administration official from 2010 thru 2012, and (2) Both the White House and the IRS are now clamping down and refusing to provide any more documentation regarding the scandal. 

Q. Are U.S. treasury bonds a good investment? (Evelia ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. Not according to Bank of America, which is saying that the U.S. Treasury bond market could tank at any moment?  The bank is bullish on U.S, European and Japanese banks, along with equities from emerging markets such as Brazil, China, India, Turkey and Russia.    

“There is a moment when I will finally quit drinking; it’ll be 30 minutes after they close the lid on my casket.”  ~ The Unknown Scribbler

"All vets are mentally ill and government should prevent them from owning firearms" ~ Diane Feinstein

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