Tuesday, June 11, 2013


FOX NEWS is reporting that the EPA “inadvertently” released names, addresses, home phone numbers and email address of 80,000 small farming operations to left-wing groups.  Now that they have been called to task, they have admitted to their mistake and asked for those lists to be returned.  The organizations wanted the information so they could go after farmers with fewer than 1,000 animals regarding their waste policies and practices. 

Are you getting more and more comfortable with that big information repository in Utah and the Administration assertions that such information is safe and will never be abused? Or, or you ready to demand that it be dismantled before it’s finished?    

Q. I wondered when the sleaze was going to ooze out.  There’s some news about sex, intrigue and a cover-up in the State Department, but you don’t catch the liberal media or press mentioning anything about it.  I am so sick and tired of this lying to us and the corruption in government and where our country is headed.  What are we going to do?  (Gwyneth ~ North Hollywood, CA)
A. Yes, you kind of start to think that the Benghazi Massacre cover-up started with Hillary and Barack shacked up in a sleazy Washington hotel for the night, don’t you?  What are we going to do?  Join me, join a Tea Party, join your neighbors and let your frustrations vent.  Don’t keep your mouths shut any longer.  Now is NOT the time to be part of a “Silent Majority.”  We can no longer afford complacency. 

Q. There’s a sheriff in Liberty County Florida who has been suspended by the governor there because he released a man who was in jail for having a gun without a permit.  The guy had two guns in his car, and you don’t need a concealed carry permit for that, but they were supposed to be secured and in a place difficult to reach.  Governor Rick Scott is filing charges against Sheriff Nick Finch.  Can you weigh in on this?  Has the war against the Second Amendment heated up?   (Ward ~ Oklahoma City, OK)
A. The Sheriff examined the facts and concluded that the accused should be released because he posed no threat to the local community and he had his Second Amendment rights.  As the official law officer in the county, he is presumed to have the judgment to make such a decision based upon the facts and circumstances of the infraction.  Gov. Scott should know better.  I think he just moved himself out of contention for any greater political office. 

Q. So, there’s a posse getting organized in Washington to go after whistleblowers and make government employees clam up about what is going on internally.  How bad is this likely to get?  (Chauncey ~ Red Bluff, CA)
A. A Canadian author, Doug Hagmann, is claiming to have had an interview with a top, top Department of Homeland Security employee who suggests that the Obama Administration will stop at nothing to identify, arrest and neutralize any employee who might be getting ready to spill the beans.  Does this sound like the Third Reich, or not? 

“The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings.” ~ John F. Kennedy 


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