Thursday, June 20, 2013


First, we have Barack Obama who has ordered small arms to be delivered to the Syrian rebels.  Then, we have a Pentagon contract with a Russian company, Rosoboronexport, to supply the company with military helicopters that will funnel through Afghanistan and end up carrying arms, ammo and supplies to the Assad regime.  Yes, we are indirectly helping the slaughtering of tens of thousands of Syrians. 

And we have an arms embargo against Assad?  Somehow, I think this is an overt act of treason.  We’re getting involved and we’re selling weapons to both sides?  Every day I think I’ve heard about the most outrageous activity ever undertaken by our government, and then comes the next day. 

Q. To me, Obama’s announcement that we are going to cut back on our nuclear stockpile is so dumb; it’s an advertisement to our enemies to come and get us and it reduces our bargaining position at the table.  Am I wrong?  (Huck ~ Riverton, WY)
A. You are right on target.  I think he’s deliberately trying to make us vulnerable. In the world of diplomacy, you never give up a bargaining chip without something in return. 

Q. The A.P. has been awfully quiet about the D.O.J. seizure of their phone records and journalist’s phone records.  Have they been threatened to shut up?  (Twiggie ~ Reno, NV)
A. Maybe.  But their President, Gary Pruitt, went on the record yesterday to say that the Justice Department even violated its own rules when it secretly seized records for thousands of phone calls at the AP.  He questioned whether it could serve to enable authoritarian governments to crack down in their own countries and suggested that the tactics used by D.O.J. could be used successfully by a dictatorship in this country.  I think things will now warm up. 

Q. Do you think we will end up with a useful, meaningful immigration policy and way to deal with the illegals?  (Michelle ~ Studio City, UT)
A. Not with Obama in office. 

“You know, when President Reagan, who was one of my idols, granted amnesty to about three million illegal immigrants it was based on the fact that the borders would be secured. That didn't happen. It didn't happen during the Bush administration.” ~ Jan Brewer


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