Tuesday, June 25, 2013


The new Director at the IRS reported yesterday that IRS targeting included those who used the words “occupy, progressive or Israel.”  Daniel Werfel said the abuse continued last month and only stopped after he took control. 

What everyone wants to hear is whether or not Obama either personally ordered the discrimination or knew of it and did nothing to curb it.  I think this issue goes straight in to the Oval Office; we already know that it goes at least to the White House and, allegedly, the Chief of Staff.  So, what’s going to happen with that? 

Q. Doesn’t Jay Carney ever answer a question?  As a Press Secretary, he’s as worthless as tits on a boar hog.”  (Edin ~ Shasta Lake City, CA)
A. Yahoo News reports that, during 500 or so press conferences, Carney ducked on at least 9,486 questions.  That’s an average of 19 times per press conference.  Obviously, he leaves the issue of transparency to Barack. 

Q. Here we have the Democrats bellyaching over Sequestration and we have the Immigration Bill working its way through the Senate.  Harry Reid has inserted into the bill a law that would extend government assistance to Las Vegas advertising costs forever.  He should be shot.  (Harriett ~ Larkspur, CA)
A. Nevada Senator Dean Heller, a Republican, signed onto that ploy.  That’s why I keep saying there’s not an honest, patriotic member in Congress willing to do what is proper and necessary for the county. 

Q. Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia says that the Supreme Court members should not be ruling on moral issues and only on Constitutional issues.  Do you agree?  (Martis ~ Phoenix, AZ)
A. Absolutely.  It’s interesting that his remarks come only days before the Court is scheduled to release its decision on California’s Proposition 8, wherein the citizens overwhelmingly voted down gay marriage.  Moral issues are supposed to be in the realm of the church and the voting booth. 

“The debate we won't be having is whether or not the debt ceiling should be raised. We will not have a situation where people will hold the American economy hostage in order to achieve a specific agenda - at least not until 2013. So we think that is incredibly important as a matter of economic good.” ~ Jay Carney


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