Monday, June 10, 2013


President Obama asserted last week that Congress should not be surprised about the information being gathered on Americans by the National Security Agency as “every member of Congress” knew about the program.  Members, however, see it differently, saying they were never notified about the extent of domestic surveillance.  Rep. Aaron Shock from Illinois went on to assert:
“I can assure you the phone number tracking of non-criminal, non-terrorist suspects was not discussed.  Most members have stopped going to their classified briefings because they rarely tell us anything we don’t already know in the news. It really has become a charade.”

Our national security oversight has become “a charade?”  Remember when the issue arose as to Obama’s knowledge about what was going in in Libya just prior to the Benghazi Massacre and it became known that he had not attended any of his own security briefings in months?   When we assign our security personnel the task of going through billions of bits of data every day, we most definitely have a misapplication of assets in the war against terror.  When we go around grumbling in public that our intelligence is lacking, as Obama has done on many occasions, and we don’t do anything about it, that’s dereliction of duty, pure and simple.  Obama’s “transformation” is now being capped off by promoting a known liar to be his national security adviser.  I submit that this country is in serious and imminent danger because of the jackass in the White House. 

Q.  Did I hear that we are no longer deporting illegals?  (Harrison ~ Phoenix, AZ)
A. That is pretty much the case under Napolitano.  They are planning that 11 to 12 million of illegals already here will be granted amnesty and citizenship, so they ask why they should deport them?  The House, however, just passed a vote requiring the Administration to resume deportation of offenders as they are apprehended.  It is unlikely that the Senate will sign on to the legislation and Obama will certainly veto it. 

Q. The audacity of the government to go after the “whistleblowers” who let the cats out of the bag about the intrusive surveillance into our phone and credit records.  Whoever did it should be given a “National Medal of Honor.” (LaVonne ~ Butte, MT)
A. An ex-CIA employee working as a contractor at the U.S. National Security Agency has come forward and said he was the man who leaked details of a top secret U.S. surveillance program, acting out of conscience to protect "basic liberties for people around the world."  I agree; he is a first class hero.  Edward Snowden said from a Hong Kong hotel: "I don't want to live in a society that does these sorts of things ... I do not want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded. That is not something I am willing to support or live under."

Q. The Catholic Church is taking the position that Obama’s policies threaten religious freedom in the United States.  Can you elaborate on this? (Russ - McMinnville, OR)
A. Roman Catholic Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia is calling on Americans to wake up and recognize that the Founding Fathers’ vision of religious freedom is now threatened by the federal government.  “The day when Americans could take the Founders’ understanding of religious freedom as a given is over,” said the archbishop. “We need to wake up.”  I wholeheartedly agree. 

“After we win this election, it’s our turn.  Payback time.  Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget.  The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve.  There’s going to be hell to pay.  Congress won’t be a problem for us this time.  No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go.”  ~ Valerie Jarret, Obama’s Senior Adviser, before the last election.   


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