Saturday, June 22, 2013


The Democrats are doing everything possible to prevent significant closing of the Mexican border. Many Republicans are chiming in.  Congressman Steve King says, “The only way you can trust these people is only if they support this: secure the border, no legalization until that border is secure, then, let’s start the talks on something else. That’s really the only way we get this done.  They’re not serious. They want to undermine the rule of law — and anything that legalizes is a path to citizenship, which is, of course, amnesty.”

There’s a big pushy rush on to get this bill passed before summer recess.  It’s somewhat akin to what they did with ObamaCare, and we’re going to pay this penalty as well.  With an open border and amnesty and instant entitlements, we’re going to drain Mexico of all of its citizens and become a poor, third world country ourselves. 

Q. Does the Catholic Church really think Pelosi will get out of the flock?  (Lyle ~ Los Angeles, CA)
A. No, but they’re surely making an issue out of her pro-abortion stance.  The harsh words came after Pelosi blasted a reporter for asking the “moral difference” between a late-term abortion and the murder of a viable baby after birth. Pelosi responded, not by answering the question, but by accusing the reporter of having an “agenda” and not being sincerely interested in an answer.  Obviously, she is comfortable with killing a live baby on the delivery table.  The only remaining question, now that we know she is capable of murder, is how old a person has to be before she thinks murder is a crime.  She should be excommunicated from the planet. 

Q. How do you think the Supreme Court will rule on the California gay marriage issue?  Californians have voted for restrictions against gay marriage several times.  (Lionel ~Chico, CA)
A. If they follow the Constitution, it should be a unanimous decision in favor of the anti-gay movement.  You need to remember that there are four staunch liberals on the Court who do not believe the Constitution as written is the supreme law of the land.  The Feds have no business sticking their busybody noses into states’ rights.  You have four conservatives who generally follow the Constitution, and then you have Kennedy.  Actually, you have both Kennedy and John Roberts; who knows what Roberts is going to do?  I look for a 5-4 split decision favoring the California voters. 

Q. What’s your opinion of the U.S. charges against Edward Snowden?  (Blanca ~ Wendover, NV)
A. They had to file charges.  The courts will decide his fate.  Just remember that, if it were not for him, we wouldn’t have the slightest idea what our security agencies were doing to us.  For him to have the guts to do what he did is, I feel, an outstanding act of patriotism. 

“We knew we were talking about spies. I knew he knew I knew. I was digging my own grave.” ~ Christine Keeler


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