A class-action lawsuit against the IRS alleges 15 IRS
agents improperly seized more than 60 million medical records from 10 million
taxpayers while investigating the former employee of a health-care provider. The suit claims the information allegedly
seized includes “information about treatment for any kind of medical concern,
including psychological counseling, gynecological counseling, sexual or drug
Talk about a fishing expedition! The IRS was evidently in search of material
they could use in the tax case of Wesley Snipes. But, they glommed on to records of “prominent celebrities, sports
personalities” and CEOs, and potentially “the intimate medical records of
every state judge in California, every state court employee in California,
leading and politically controversial members of the Screen Actors Guild and the
Directors Guild, and prominent citizens in the world of entertainment, business
and government.” And ObamaCare hasn’t even come under their jurisdiction
yet. Can you image claiming medical
expenses of $50,000 as a deduction for cancer treatments and having the I.R.S.
seize your records and determining that the treatment was unnecessary and,
therefore, taxable? Do you think for one
second that, if you were a conservative anti-President, the liberal President
would not hesitate to send the I.R.S. after those records? I don’t give a damn if it is against the law; this president and
his high-handed goons operate around
the law.
Q. What kind of change do you expect in our relationship
with Iran and regarding their nuclear program as a result of Ahmadinejad
leaving and a new, more moderate president elected? (Goldie ~ Burney, CA)
A. None. The Iranian
President is a figurehead who takes orders from the ruling religious
leaders. If anything, he may not be as openly
Q. If Russia and Iran are supplying Assad with heavy
weaponry in his civil war, what good will the provision of small arms by the
U.S. be? (Cornell ~ Denver, CO)
A. Symbolic. However,
if we supply anything more, like rockets for example, they could fall into the
hands of Al Qaeda which makes up a large part of the rebel forces. If we were going to get involved, it should
have been done three years ago, before Al Qaeda stuck their noses into it. In getting involved at this stage of the
game, there is no way for us to win anything, except more enemies. In the meanwhile, Assad’s atrocities will
continue because he knows our cowboy pistols won’t change the war at all.
Q. I just can’t fathom how serious these scandals are and
what they are doing to this country.
(Janet ~ Weed, CA)
A. This is what you get when you elect a political party that
wants God out of its platform. You see,
with no God or conscience in the way, they don’t have to answer to anyone for their
“We don't want the efficiency of the federal government and the compassion
of the IRS to run our health care.” ~ Todd Akin
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