Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Fox News, Fox Business Channel and Bloomberg reported Monday that, while Americans were stewing over the $700 billion in TARP aid to the banks, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke was printing money as fast as the presses could churn it out and was directly infusing that money into domestic and foreign banks; this accounts for the early rise in inflation according to informed sources.  This was evidently done with the full knowledge and blessing of President Obama and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, but no one in Congress was informed and they did not make the decision as it is their sole discretion and power to do.  There is no accounting as to who got what or whether it has been repaid. 


Q. What is your opinion of Barney Frank deciding not to run again in 2012?  (George ~ Williamsburg, VA)
A. Good riddance to bad rubbish.  Hopefully, this time they will elect an American to take his place. 

Q. I understand that an Iranian missile manufacturing site exploded, totally destroying the plant.  Is that true, and was it an accident?  (Ardice ~ Oakland, CA)
A. That’s true.  The Iranians are claiming it was an accident.  This will cause some delay in their missile development program.  Years ago, a missile fuel manufacturing plant near Las Vegas exploded causing extensive damage to the city of Henderson.  Such fuel is extremely volatile and dangerous.   

Q. What do you make of the latest allegations against Herman Cain, where the lady claims she had an ongoing “affair” with him spanning 13 years?  (Keith ~ Redding, CA)
A. She has cellphone records to show constant telephone contact with Cain on his private phone.  That’s her “evidence.”  On that basis, I have been carrying on affairs with several people throughout my lifetime, both male and female.  All it proves is that she had telephone contact with Cain during this period and it does not seem to me you can have anything more than phone sex under the circumstances.  However, word leaking out of the campaign yesterday is that Cain may withdraw from the race.  If these allegations prove to be true, I will be sincerely and severely disappointed in my judgment.   

“An affair now and then is good for a marriage. It adds spice, stops it from getting boring... I ought to know.” ~ Bette Davis


Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Fitch Ratings, one of three companies that rate national, state and local governments, has moved the U.S. debt rating from AAA+ to AAA-, indicating that a further downgrade may occur.  Moody’s has also indicated it may reduce their U.S. debt rating soon and Standard & Poor’s may lower their rating again.  This comes in response to the failure of the so-called “Super Committee” to deal with the debt issue. 

WHEN ARE THIS DAMNED CONGRESS AND PRESIDENT GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?  Aren’t they practically begging Americans to march on Washington and throw them out? 

Q. So, Obama did a Thanksgiving Day address for America and thanked this and that agency but never once thanked God.  What does that say about the man? (Shelly ~ Cheyenne, WY)
A. For Obama to thank God is redundant.  He does not report to Congress, the Supreme Court or the American people and he does whatever he wants regardless of what anyone thinks or says.  In his mind, he IS God and therefore should not be thanking himself. 

Q. Should we go back to the gold standard?  (Prentice ~ Pasadena, CA)
A. Don’t even think about it.  There is not one politician alive with the guts or fortitude to put the U.S. in the position of having to be financially responsible.  That is proven by the fact that the House just refused to pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.  Our Congress and our President are sick, sick, sick. 

Q. There seem to be more and more calls for Hillary Clinton to either run for President or to replace Joe Biden on Obama’s ticket.  Do you think that might happen?  (Leland ~ Reno, NV)
A. Obama would toss Biden overboard in an instant if he thought Hillary would get on his ticket.  But, she is not as dumb as she looks; she would become tainted by Obama’s dismal failure and thereby reduce her chances if she decides to run in 2016.   

“Because our military power dwarfs that of other countries - we spend more on defense than the rest of the world combined - this Administration believes that alliances and international institutions are more of a burden than a benefit. They allow the Lilliputians to tie down Gulliver.” ~ Joe Biden


Monday, November 28, 2011


Republican Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has called for "humane" treatment for otherwise law-abiding illegal immigrants who have been in the United States for decades, establishing deep family and community ties.” 

I am a Tea Party conservative, but that does not mean I am not realistic.  Frankly, it is not the fault of those illegals that we enticed to come here and allowed to stay and set up households.  They have created ties and new lives.  For us to now toss them out because our government doesn’t have the balls, (pardon the bluntness), to deal with the situation is unconscionable.  Of course, the question arises as to where you draw the line, and I would draw it back five years to 2006; any arrival date after that should result in deportation in my opinion.  Any arrival prior to that time should result in some type of limited visa or right to stay here; if they want citizenship, they should be required to go through the same steps as any other immigrant.  Finally, I do not believe they should be entitled to the benefits of citizenship until they attain it.  So, in essence, I agree with Newt; he’s right on this one. 

Q. Obama is bound and determined to have another stimulus.  He calls it a jobs bill, but it’s just another stimulus.  Am I crazy, or didn’t the last stimulus fail miserably?  (Bertha ~ Sparks, NV)
A. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has concluded that the president’s economic stimulus plan created fewer jobs than expected and “crowds out” private investment.  The last ARA stimulus may have saved 600,000 to 1.8 million jobs, far less than the 3.5 million claimed by Obama.  This is simply another example of Obama’s fuzzy math. 

Q. How do you feel about Egypt using lethal nerve gas against protesters?
  (Steve ~ Long Beach, CA)
A. The gas has been banned by international treaty.  However, you have an unstable government with access to the gas while being confronted with unruly citizens.  That sets up the conditions for the use, as horrible as we see it.  Ask yourself this question:  If this country were to erupt in demonstrations and protests on a massive scale, what tools do you think Obama would use to stop it?   

Q. Mike Huckabee has come out in support of Mitt Romney as the Republican Presidential candidate, saying he is the only one who can beat Obama.  How do you feel?  (Harvey ~ Texarkana, TX)
A. I’d rather have John McCain running than Mitt Romney.  I think at this point that a Gingrich – Cain ticket would be insurmountable.  Even if Biden bowed out and Hillary bowed in to help Obama, I think this ticket could win.  I am rather ticked off at a Republican hierarchy which has been backing Romney since day one to the total exclusion of anyone else.  God could appear on the face of the earth and run on the Republican ticket and the top dogs would still try and push Romney on us.   

“Politics, it seems to me, for years or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong.  ~ Richard Armour


Thursday, November 24, 2011



I'll be back Monday.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


The provisions of the bill that created the “Super Committee” were that, should they fail to cut $1.2 trillion, automatic tax increases and defense spending cuts would occur.  Congress has indicated it wants to change that agreement, but Obama says he will veto any attempt to change the deal. 

I guess defense spending will be cut and our taxes will increase.  If you want more change, vote for Obama in 2012 and he’ll give you some. 

Q. I don’t understand why stores are opening at midnight on Thanksgiving Day.  People only have so much to spend on Christmas and opening early is only going to cost more money for employees, not increase profits.  (Carole ~ Pocatello, ID)
A. Since they don’t understand how business works, they must be Democrats.  Your premise is absolutely correct.  If you own a casino with 500 slot machines and only have one customer, adding 500 more slot machines will not get you another customer but it will increase your costs of doing business.  The Targets of the country deserve exactly what they are going to get; lower profits. 

Q. How does Burney celebrate Thanksgiving Day?  (Maria ~ Redding, CA)
A. Dinner at the VFW Hall.  Everyone shows up.   

Q. Once again I see an after-the-fact change in figures by the Obama Administration.  They said that the economy grew 2.5% in the third quarter and they jumped up and down with glee, but the “revised” figure came out today at slightly less than 2%.  Why are they always doing this with factual figures?  (Chad ~ Fresno, CA)
A. Because they want you to think things are rosier than they are.  Such lies to the public were perfected by Adolf Hitler.   

“An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day.” ~ Irv Kupcinet


Tuesday, November 22, 2011


The much ballyhooed Congressional “Super Committee” admitted yesterday that they could not reach agreement on a $1.2 trillion reduction in spending over the next ten years. 

Now we’ll wait for the next expected shoe to drop, that the increase in taxes and reduction in defense spending will not occur, either.  Then Congress can leave town while the nation stews over the Thanksgiving Day weekend.  Isn’t that what I have been saying was going to happen all along?  Why we taxpayers allowed this sham to be perpetrated upon us, I will never know.  I don’t know about you, but I think every damned Member of Congress should be locked into the Capitol 12 hours a day, seven days a week starting tomorrow and lasting until they trim the $4 trillion that has to be trimmed to save the country.  Either that or we should close down the government until after the 2013 Inauguration because, frankly, this government is as useless as tits on a boar hog.  That should give you a good visual while you are eating your turkey… 

Q. They’re giving more and newer sanctions on Iran.  Isn’t this a stupid idea?  It hasn’t worked yet, why will it work now?  (Lila ~ San Pedro, CA)
A. It’s the only option Obama can come up with.  Besides, he is in campaign mode and anything involving a difficult or controversial decision will automatically get pushed past the 2012 elections, by which time Iran may have its nukes anyway. 

Q. What will happen if Moody’s or Standard & Poor’s gives us another credit rating reduction?  (Barney ~ Redding, CA)
A. Obama will send in a team to investigate them, just like he did when Standard & Poor’s did it the first time.  He will do everything he can to discredit anyone who rains on his Messiah parade.  As far as the stock market, it will go down the tubes, at least initially.   As far as U.S. borrowing power, it will be diminished to some extent; how much is up to conjecture.  Why we citizens have allowed things to go this way, I will never know. 

Q. What I don’t understand is, Obama championed this “Super Committee” idea and now he is out of the country and allowed it to fail without trying to exert his influence to make it work.  Why?  (Jack ~ Casper, WY)
A. He knew from the outset that it would fail; that’s why the committee was stacked up the way it was.  He wanted it to fail so that he could run against Congress in the election.  We all know that, outside of getting rid of Bin Laden, he has done absolutely nothing positive for this country in three years; he has absolutely no successes to claim.  Oh, I forgot; he DID win the Nobel Prize.   

“And so our goal on health care is, if we can get, instead of health care costs going up 6 percent a year, it's going up at the level of inflation, maybe just slightly above inflation, we've made huge progress. And by the way, that is the single most important thing we could do in terms of reducing our deficit. That's why we did it.” ~ Barack Obama


Monday, November 21, 2011


Officials at the Dover AFB mortuary routinely sent military bodies and body parts to a landfill after cremating them during 2003 through 2008 according to Air Force sources.  The manner of disposal was typically withheld from the relatives of fallen service members.  The Air Force insists that only unidentified body parts were disposed of in this manner, except in cases where parts were found after the body had been turned over to the family for burial. 

Calloused government officials making such ugly decisions give me concern about calloused government officials making decisions regarding my health services under ObamaCare.  Somebody should be court martialed and sent to prison. 

Q. Why do lobbyists have so much power in Washington?  (Leonard ~ Pittsburgh, PA)
A. Well, here’s the short version:  A company we will call XYZ contributes $2 million to the Senatorial campaign of Candidate A through Political Action Committees and personal contributions.  The candidate wins and XYZ hires a lobbyist, Harry, to go see Candidate A and ask for some favors.  In other words, the culprit is MONEY.  Candidate B, under the same circumstances tells Harry to go fly a kite because what he is asking for is unethical or illegal.  Next election cycle, who is going to get another campaign contribution from XYZ?  The winning candidate gains power, XYZ wants to use that power for its own benefit, and the lobbyist becomes the tool by which the deal is consummated. 

Q. Where does Iran get its technical help on its nuclear program, Russia or China?  (Ben ~ Las Vegas, NV)  
A. This will be a surprise: Hundreds of North Korean nuclear and missile engineers have been working at more than 10 sites in Iran, including Natanz and Qom.  The Iranian embassy in South Korea says it “categorically rejects such allegations,” consisting of a “sheer lie and blatant accusation” against Iran.  Therefore, you know it is true. 
Q. Now that the “Super Committee” is obviously failing, what will be the next move in Congress regarding fixing our debt problem?  (Lorraine ~ Alturas, CA)
A. They knew going in that it would not work; this was all just a stall in the hopes the economy would improve.  They chose November 23rd because they presume the American public will forget about their failure to act and their callous disregard for the American will over the holidays.  The question now is… will we?   

“Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both.” ~ John F. Kennedy