Saturday, September 10, 2011


Hundreds of International Longshore and Warehouse Union members (ILWU) stormed a new grain terminal at the Port of Longview in Washington on Thursday.  They overwhelmed guards, smashed windows in the guard shack and dumped grain. Six guards were trapped for a couple of hours, absolutely could not get out and feared for their lives because of the size and hostility of the crowd. 

And here you just had the President of the AFL-CIO tell his members to “take out” the Tea Party members.  Just what do you think is going to happen next? 

Q. I heard you were in a car wreck.  Are you okay?  (Bill ~ Burney, CA)
A. I was going up the grade out of Old Station toward Susanville when I moved a tad to the right because an oncoming car was hugging the center line.  My front right wheel went off the pavement on the shoulder slightly lower.  As I was trying to bring the car back onto the pavement, the wheel hit a rock on the shoulder and blew out the front suspension.  The car ended up on its side; two guys came along and got me out and I walked away from it.  Totaled the car.  Let that be a lesson for you.   

Q. Why are they not letting firefighters, police, clergy and ambulance drivers into the 9/11 memorial services?  (Tillie ~ Manchester, NH)
A. Because they are second-class citizens, like the Tea Party members.   

Q. How do you feel about GE moving an aircraft manufacturing plant to China when its President sits on the President’s Job's Council?  (Lyle ~ Palo Cedro, CA)
A. GE also doesn’t pay any taxes here.  I wouldn’t buy any GE product if they were the only company in business.    

“I'm responsible for this company. I stand behind the results. I know the details, and I think the CEO has to be the moral leader of the company.  I think high standards are good, but let's not anybody be confused, it's about performance with integrity. That's what you have to do.” ~ Jeffrey Immelt, President of GE.


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