Thursday, September 8, 2011


The Republicans have decided not to give a rebuttal to Obama’s economic and jobs speech tomorrow night.  Nancy Pelosi said, "The Republicans' refusal to respond to the president's proposal on jobs is not only disrespectful to him, but to the American people."

First of all, I don’t care what Nancy Pelosi said.  Secondly, I don’t care anymore if the Republicans are disrespectful to Obama, especially after some of the tricks he has pulled and dirty names he and his cohorts have used.  To hell with him.  But, I do think that the Republicans should respond to what he has to say.  They are asserting that their advance notice of what he is going to say has nothing new in it except more calls for more spending, so they don’t feel that what he has to say merits a response.  But, not every American is attuned to politics and government and they do have the right to hear both sides of any issue.  I think this was a bad move on their part and that it will come back to haunt them. 

Q. Why didn’t Obama say something about Hoffa’s attack on the Tea Parties?  (Ollie ~ Reno, NV)
A. Obama has been quick to criticize anything and everything a Republican or Tea Party member says.  But, he now says that he will not be responsible for what anyone in the Democratic Party says.  There is a school of thought that he put Hoffa up to making those remarks; given the anti-Tea Party rhetoric gushing forth from the lips of every Obama crony in Washington lately, I agree.  What Hoffa had to say was niggardly and penurious, and Obama's silence is stirring the hot coals of unrest in this country.   

Q. What’s your take on the shooting in Carson City?  (Ginger, New Washoe City, NV)
A. Well, the anti-gun lobby hasn’t really weighed in yet.  The guy had known mental issues; I will be interested to find out how he was able to purchase the guns he had.  I had thought no one was in the restaurant who had a concealed weapon, but I was partially wrong.  The owner of a nearby barbeque outlet was at the scene and had a concealed weapon, but did not use it because the shooter had a fully automatic weapon and was spraying bullets everywhere.  That was a correct decision which goes to show that people who have the training necessary to hold a concealed weapons permit are not “psycho gun owners.”   It’s still a sad commentary on our society and what our country has become. 

Q. They are saying that the biggest threat we have to homeland security is domestic terrorism.  Why?  (Erma ~ Chico, CA)
A. There are a lot of sites on the Internet touting it.  Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups are promoting internal terrorism.  There is a lot of social unrest in the country due to unemployment and an adverse political climate.   The FBI reports that the number of potential domestic terrorists is increasing at an alarming rate.  And Obama and his cronies want us to be without guns and defenseless? 

If we're going to spend a lot of money to deal with the problem of 200 million guns in the country owned by 65 million gun owners, we ought to have a system which will work and catch criminals.  ~ John Dingell


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