Sunday, September 18, 2011


I’m on vacation until the 26th.  I’m just checking in from a small town south of Santa Fe.  The weather here has been generally cool with afternoon thunder-boomies.  I’m visiting my brother and his wife along with one of my sons, a nephew, a nice and her husband; I traveled from Burney to Reno, to Cedar City, Utah, to here. 

Along the way, I had the opportunity to visit with some great and wonderful people, being doctors, lawyers, plumbers, ditch diggers, glass makers, jewelers and stevedores.  The stevedores were in Kayenta, Arizona, waiting for their ship to come in.  I think they said they’ve been there for 33 years so far. 

What I have found in my conversations is that everyone in Nevada, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico is fed up.  They’re fed up with the lavish and cavalier spending in Washington, the lack of accountability to the people, government regulations, unemployment, the economy in general, Obama’s total disregard for the public will and the high price of toilet paper.  That last one is a very bad sign for Obama.  Did you know that the White House uses more toilet tissue per person than any other building in the United States? 

No, seriously; Obama is in deep shit.  His lying, his manipulating, his socialism, his condescension and the lengthy string of bad  decisions he has made for the country are finally piling up deep enough in the toilets of mistrust of Americans that they want change, all right… change back to the Ronald Reagan era.  What’s more, they’re ready to do something about it. I've never seen such general public angst in my life.  

I'll try and check in a couple of more times before I get back to my mountain. 

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