Wednesday, September 28, 2011


The latest attack ad features one guy talking about how many blacks are members in the American Tea Party and one well-known Democrat calling them “Oreo’s… black on the outside and white on the inside.” 

These hateful, racism inciting ads need to be recognized for exactly what they are; an overt attempt by Obama to stir up the fires of racism so that he can use race as an excuse for his own failures and gain a sympathy vote.  It’s a vile and disgusting political maneuver and speaks to the character of our President or, I should say, the lack of character.  We Americans have had enough of these shenanigans and we know what to do in November of 2012.  Despite what will be his “scorched earth” political ads, we shall prevail.  Good old honest American patriotism must, and will rule the day. 

Q. Americans are sick and tired of this “first black American President.”  Will that tag hurt Herman Cain’s run for the Republican nomination?  (Tessie ~ Compton, CA)
A. If Obama has his way and can turn this into an election about race, it could hurt Cain.  Other than that, I think 99% of Americans who despise Obama would immediately say it is because of the lousy job he is doing and not because of the color of his skin.  On that basis, Cain should not be hurt and may actually be helped as a few million unemployed and economically disenfranchised blacks realize that Obama’s “change” was a horrible fraud, and as they look for a viable and sympathetic President to help them out of this mess. 

Q. What is this B.S. about suspending elections?  You said a few years ago to watch out for Obama trying to cancel elections and take over the country.  Is this it?  (Frank ~ Butte, MT)
A. North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue has suggested it because she thinks that’s the only way we can solve our economic crisis.  She says that members of Congress who are worried about reelection will never tackle jobs and the economy.  Yes, she is a left-wing Democrat and that’s how they all think… kooooookie.   This country will erupt in civil war before she gets that little trick on. 

Q. Now I hear that a bunch of doctors are claiming Americans get too much health care?  (Jim ~ Burney, CA)
A. I think there is a great deal of truth to that in general.  We all know there are many abuses of the current health care system, abuses that will continue and even become more flagrant under ObamaCare.  I go to the doctor one a year for a checkup and will be in severe pain or discomfort before I go in between.  For example, I give a bad cold three days of home treatment before I drag myself in to the doctor.  To some extent, we have become a nation of medical weenies.   

“Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. ~ Mark Twain


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