Friday, September 16, 2011


What is known is that the White House at least pressured Federal authorities into guaranteeing over $500 million in loans to the solar panel manufacturing company in California that was on the verge of bankruptcy.  Executives of that company contributed heavily to Obama’s 2008 Presidential campaign and the company filed for bankruptcy in 2011; what happened with the $500 million is not known or understood at this point. 

Those in the know say that the chain of knowledge reaches at least Vice-President Joe Biden; insiders say that Obama’s closet advisers certainly had to know.  White House employees are disavowing responsibility or knowledge and point the fickle finger of blame at each other. Obama is on the road trying to sell his latest folly and shows no interest in this scandal, dubbed by one Congressional lawmaker as being “outright theft.” But then again, his is the true, certified Imperial Presidency; he can do what he wants and he does not have to be accountable to us for it. 

Q. I saw on YAHOO yesterday that ancient circles visible only from the air have been discovered in the Azraq Oasis.  Is the more “ancient astronaut” stuff?  (Bill ~ Phoenix, AZ)
A. There are now thousands of them that have recently been discovered. To me, they bear some resemblance to crop circles.  They are made of stone and were constructed at least 2,000 years ago, sometime around the birth of Christ. Like other drawings and “airstrips” in Peru and the Andes, they cannot be seen from the ground.  Does that answer your question? I mean, why build it if you can’t see it?  

Q.  Governor Perry mentioned getting back to “Christian values” the other night and that is creating quite an uproar.  What’s wrong with getting back to Christian values?  (Lynda ~ Reno, NV)
A. Left-wing liberals are not Christians.   

Q. I see, as you predicted, that Netflix is in deep trouble due to losing subscribers after raising their rates by 60%.  Do you feel vindicated? (Dr. Spock ~ Hollywood, CA)
A. Okay, “doctor,” I get the jab.  Just last month, they tried trickery in an attempt to get users back, as I pointed out at the time.  Their management obviously feels it can mistreat its customer base and if the customers don’t like it, tough.  Low life companies like this need to be out of business, bankrupt, ca put.  So no, I don’t feel vindicated yet. When I see a public apology on billboards and TV ads, when I see six months free service if you re-enlist and going back to the old rate structure, I might feel differently.  But, don’t hold your breath; idiots like these never get the message until it’s just too damned late.    

“We live in a stage of politics, where legislators seem to regard the passage of laws as much more important than the results of their enforcement.” ~ William Howard Taft

TODAY’S VIDEO: (Shades of Lehman Brothers?

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