Wednesday, September 7, 2011


President Obama is dropping the number of U.S. troops deployed in Iraq to 3,000 by the end of the year. 

That’s just about the dumbest thing, outside of ObamaCare, that I have ever heard of.  Leaving 3,000 troops there is like hanging them out to die.  If opposing factions or Iranian militants decide to go after them, they’re sitting ducks.  Either keep substantial forces there, 30,000 or more, or get all of the way out.  If I was a military commander, I’d be madder than hell.  If I was one of the 3,000, I’d desert.  

Q. What do you think of Obama’s low ratings in the polls?  (Hal ~ Montgomery Creek, CA)
A. He has definitely earned them.  His condescending manners, his stubborn refusal to listen to others, his failed socialistic policies, his cramming things down our throats when we are adamantly against them, his consistent “all talk and no action” on the jobs situation… All of these things have contributed to his negative ratings.  But, rather than to accept the criticisms and to look inward to make his own changes, he chooses to lash out at the Republicans, the Tea Parties, and an unfortunate cop from Cambridge, Massachusetts. He needs to grow up or leave town. 

Q. Jimmy Hoffa’s scathing attack on the “sons-of-bitches” Tea Party members over the weekend and Obama’s continuing failure and refusal to rebuke Hoffa’s call to “take them out” has many people very angry and also afraid that union thugs are going to be breaking heads, arms and legs this election season.  Why didn’t Obama speak out against these incendiary remarks?  (Lester ~ Redding, CA)
A. Because, as of this date, the only chance Obama has of winning reelection is to intimidate voters from going to the polls.  Look for the Black Panthers and the S.E.I.U. to be very active as well.  This whole thing is very explosive and that’s why I called for Hoffa’s going to jail and Obama being impeached; they are openly subverting our democracy.  My God, no wonder gun sales are up.     

Q. Everyone else has weighed in on it; what do you think Obama is going to say Thursday?  (Javier ~ El Centro, CA)
A. Frankly, my friend, I don’t give a damn.   

“Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

  (Eric Holder dropped charges against these thugs…) 

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