Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told the Senate and the country yesterday that those of us who want to slow the Health Care Bill passage down and to have further debate on the issues or to start afresh with a new plan, are worse than those who supported slavery before the Civil War, who opposed Women’s Suffrage and who fought the Civil Rights Amendment.

This offensive outburst from the esteemed Senate Majority Leader underscores my opinion that he does not belong in public service. He should be immediately removed from office for violations of ethics. How dare he continue to use this mean, evil-spirited rhetoric toward those of us who are patriotic Americans and who want the best for our country and its posterity, and who want to make sure we get it right. Just because we are adamantly opposed to HIS plan does not in any remote way suggest that we are against improving our health care system. His unjustified attack shows just how small a person he really is.

Q. Isn’t anyone going to conduct an investigation of ACORN?
(Isaac – Pendleton, OR)
A. Not Eric Holder; he keeps his paws off of anything that might prove embarrassing to the Administration. Besides, ACORN conducted its own internal investigation and says that the “sting” videos do not show any illegal conduct and they expect to get their funding back. Nothing like rubbing our noses in it, is there?

Q. I’m not sure what this new EPA ruling about carbon dioxide means.
(Max – Taos, NM)
A. Hold your breath. It means that what you exhale, carbon dioxide, should be taxed.

Q. There’s a poll out that shows the American Tea Party as being more popular than the Republicans, but not strong enough to beat the Democrats. The total between both the Tea Party and the Republicans could beat the Democrats. Independents predominantly like the Tea Party concept. What does all of this mean?
(Farrah – Grand Rapids, MI)
A. It means people are finally starting to get really ticked off with “politics as usual.” The pile of manure is starting to stink.

“Can any of us even imagine, after Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt suggesting we negotiate a resolution or that we could simply prosecute those involved? Of course it is unimaginable. We are right to be in the Middle East, and we are right to treat this as the war it is.”
~ Marsha Blackburn


Several hundred people protested near Manhattan's federal courthouse complex Saturday against the plan to put five major terrorism suspects on trial in New York City. Opponents of the plan say that a New York trial could again make the city a terrorism target, and that the five suspects should instead face a military tribunal. Anger at the Obama administration ran hot in the crowd.

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