Sunday, December 6, 2009


President Barrack Hussein Obama will visit the Senate today, Sunday, to twist arms, threaten, coerce and to make it otherwise clear that he wants his Government-Run Health Care passed and on his desk whether 70% of Americans now oppose it or not.

Read my post of December 4th on this subject. Lo and behold, up pops the President to go to the Hill and impose his will on the Congress. “My will is your bidding? Happy Holidays and up yours?”

Q. Obama is running around like crazy shouting that the recovery is complete. I don’t get it. If unemployment is solved, why is he having a “Jobs Conference?”
(Marylou – Sebastopol, CA)
A. Because he’s lying and he knows it. Not only is the October drop from 10.2% to 10.0% probably a lie, as virtually all of the other figures coming out of the White House have been, but it doesn’t reveal whether the “drop” was due to people exhausting all of their benefits and dropping off the roles, or due to new hiring, of which there has been virtually none. The Republicans have been asserting that the decease has been due to seasonal hiring for the holidays, which traditionally doesn’t start until November and then you see a big drop in hiring in January. Obviously, no one of any substance out there knows how business and hiring really work except those in business, of which none were asked to attend the “Jobs Conference,” which should be renamed the “Farce Conference.”

Q. Why has the furor and anger about the terrorist trials being held in New York City gone away?
(Chuck – Steubenville, OH)
A. It hasn’t. There’s been so much other dastardly news coming out of Washington that it has been temporarily lost in the shuffle. Of all of the rotten things Obama has already done to this country, this one will turn out to be his waterloo.

Q. I saw on the news the other night that the new Oakland Bay Bridge is in trouble and that it’s going to cost hundreds of millions of more dollars to finish the project. Since California is broke, where is the money going to come from?
(Wally – Pleasanton, CA)
A. Fear not, my friend. Not until your wallet has been picked totally clean will there be a bridge that cannot be built.

“Another good thing about being poor is that when you are seventy your children will not have declared you legally insane in order to gain control of your estate.”
~ Woody Allen

(No sweat, Woody. The government will already have control of your estate…..)



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