In other words, you ask for the increased credit limit after you run up the tab. Isn’t that somewhat akin to holding a gun to my grandchild’s head? WHEN WILL THIS CRAP STOP?
Q. A friend of mine tells me that California has run out of money to pay its unemployment recipients? Is that true, and what are they doing about it? (Dino – Santa Rosa, CA)
A. According to California officials, it’s a computer glitch that they are working feverishly on to fix. But, they add that they are short-staffed due to the cutbacks and it may well be after Christmas before they get it fixed. But, there’s some good news. They are going to raise the tolls on all of the bridges, so more people will probably move out of the state and maybe that will create some job openings.
Q. I hear that a Russian missile test sparked a rash of UFO sightings. How could the two be confused? (Josh – San Dimas, CA)
A. The missile t

Q. The whole health care debate has been raging for months now, and I get more and more confused. What is this latest flap about the government run plan being changed, and then changed again? (Sharice – Troy, NY)
A. Confusion is another tactic they are using to try and pull the wool over our eyes. This is such an ugly piece of crap they are about to force down our throats, and you really do need to spend a few hours on the Internet digging at the facts. In the latest move, the Senate dropped the provision for the Government-run “option” and replaced it with a provision allowing people 55 years of age and over to qualify for Medicare. They then all had a big celebration in the Senate and announced that they are getting ready to pass their legislation. This was met by a huge uproar from the American Medical Association complaining that they have enough trouble getting paid by Medicare as it is. So, bowing to their buddies who contributed so much money last election, the Senate is back to the drawing board to change that new section. My God, this thing is going to be over 3,000 pages by the time it’s done.
“And here a most heinous charge is made, that the nation has been burdened with unnecessary expenses for the sole purpose of preventing the discharge of our debts and the abolition of taxes.” ~ Robert Walpole
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