Thursday, September 25, 2014


Holy Cincinnati!  China has had the nerve to tell Obama where to take his “climate change” agenda!  China says it is not going to pony up a dime and that the costs of any such initiative around the world must be borne by “Western nations,” meaning us.  The Chinese communist regime insists that the incentive payments it demands must come from “new, additional, adequate, predictable and sustained public funds, rather than mostly private financing, as the U.S. hopes.


I have to have the temerity to ask: If we don’t have enough money to prosecute the war on terror, and if we’ve already literally put ObamaCare into bankruptcy due to its massive overspending and lack of enrollments, where in the hell are we going to get the money to finance the rest of the world in a phony Gorey Obama Global Warming scheme? Oh, that's right... Obama is going to raise the national minimum wage to $15.00 an hour, so we'll be able to afford it. 


Q. I have concerns about the Ebola virus coming to the U.S., especially when our Centers for Disease Control has shown such a lax safety record recently.  (Charmaine ~ Richmond, CA)
A. Hmm, let’s see.  Anthrax, smallpox, bird flu…. And the Lord only knows how many other security breaches there have been that they didn’t talk about.  But, don’t worry about it; if the danger gets too high, Obama will send 3,000 troops to contain it.  He’s so cool.  

Q. Why do we have to get involved in Iraq again?  I.S.I.S. is their problem, not ours.  (Danny ~ Leavenworth, KS)
A. If we had maintained that attitude in our history, it’s a tossup as to whether we’d all be speaking German, Italian, Japanese or Russian by now.  I.S.I.S. is an embodiment of evil that is intent on ruling the world and killing all non-believers.  The real question to ask is: “Why, at this moment when the world stands at the precipice of World War III, have we saddled ourselves with Barack Obama as President?” 

Q. Do you really think Obama would endanger the Middle East by allowing Iran to obtain nuclear weapons in exchange for their help against I.S.I.S.?  (Lester ~ Hayward, CA)
A. Yes, he would rather do that than to put American troops on the ground at this point.  In short, he is more concerned about his Presidential legacy as being a “peacetime President” than he is about World War III.  Only the polls can change his mind or, perhaps, sinking a 50-foot putt. 


“If Iran and North Korea, by some horrible, devilish, nightmarish scenario, got together and went to war at the same time, one against Saudi Arabia and one against South Korea, I don’t know what we would do about that.  I don’t know that we could stop them short of using nuclear weapons.” ~ Ben Stein

TODAY’S VIDEO:  (Wow, am I relieved to hear this…)

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