Friday, September 4, 2020

Pelosi WANTED To Get Caught

Nancy Pelosi, caught red-handed in a San Francisco beauty salon, now says it was the beauty salon's fault that she was there, (and without a mask).  "It was a setup!" she claims.  I have a fishy feeling that salon is about to be put out of business, probably by her nephew Gavin. The owner is already receiving death threats from the Dem libtards. What a downright witch! 

It's obvious that she wanted to get caught and to flout her powers.  Otherwise, she would have had it quietly done at her mansion, where nobody could see.  


New York City's Mayor DeBlasio says shootings and crime will stop as soon as a vaccine is approved.  

Attorney General Barr is absolutely correct: if you mess with our political system of running an election, such as exposing it to fraud by undermining the polling places and installing unsecured mail voting, you are destroying election integrity and that is a very dangerous place to be! 

Depravity 101: The Democrat-controlled California General Assembly has advanced legislation (SB145) that will ease the criminal punishment for LGBT adults who have sex with underage teenagers.  The bill prevents gay adults who sodomize or perform oral sex with underage teenagers, from being automatically assigned to the state's sex offender registry.  It was written by Scott Wiener, openly gay and has passed both houses of the state's legislature.   

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says, in response to President Trump's plan to rescind federal funding from states and cities that allow riots and looting to continue, that the President had damned-well “better have an army’” to protect him if he ever plans to visit New York City.  Sounds like a BLM threat to me...

Anthony Fauci is either a complete incompetent idiot, or a liar and an agent of the left-wing "establishment." His prognostications are inconsistent, contrary and, I think, designed to create confusion and deliberate lack of trust in our government.  

Butler County, Ohio Sheriff Richard Jones says that if you shoot at an officer in his county, expect to get return fire.  I say we all chip in and buy his deputies some more ammo! 

So, Joe Biden is now following President Trump around the country like a little puppy dog?  Take Kenosha, for instance...

The Democrats don't seem to care whether you have a good Labor Day weekend or not.  They've gone to extraordinary lengths to avoid giving you any additional financial assistance during the Covid-19, while at the same time insisting on mandatory vote-by-mail because it's far too dangerous for you to even stick your head out the window.  

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "I don't see any reason to prevent me from being elected Speaker in 2021" ~ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


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