Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Let's Do It MY Way!

Where in the Constitution does it say that the Senate Judiciary Committee even has to have hearings on the Supreme Court nominee? Can't they just call for a vote and send it to the Senate floor? Well, yes they could, but that would piss off the Democrats to no end and the weak-kneed Republicans will undoubtedly cave in and allow whoever the nominee is to be pilloried like they did to Kavanaugh. 

The Dems are aiding and abetting riots, looting, beat-downs  and overt intimidation, and we're going to play softball with them?


A 77-year-old veteran has been brutally attacked by a couple in Red Bluff, California for wearing a MAGA hat. They need to be charged with a hate crime and sent to prison for a very long time. Stories like this are popping up more and more frequently as Fascist thugs try to bully Americans into doing what they demand. The Democrats refuse to even discuss this issue...

The big question of the day: How high is Hillary Clinton on Joe Biden's list of potential Supreme Court nominees? We don't know, because he's not talking about it. 

Michael Bloomberg is paying the fines of 32,000+ convicted Florida felons to enable them to vote in the upcoming elections! He and George Soros belong in Gitmo.  

The venerable CDC, well-known for its accuracy and veracity, is now suggesting that Halloween be modified by conducting all trick or treating on Zoom...

Foreign policy, abortion, climate change, immigration, health care, education, or other issues voters consider important are not on Chris Wallace's agenda to be discussed during the upcoming Presidential Debates. Evidently, Joe doesn't want to talk about them? 

Ammo sales are soaring, up by more than 139%. People are stocking up, practicing on the range, and getting ready for the dangerous times ahead.  I've heard complaints from many of my friends that they can't find ammo for their guns right now... particularly in .40 caliber and 9mm.  

CNN's Jim Acosta is absolute proof that objective journalism is dead in this country.

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "It's time we got back to being patriotic, liberty-loving Americans." ~ Charles Schumer 


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