Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Newsom: "We're Not Going Back To Normal" In California? Ever?

That's what he said, as he was announcing his four-tier plan for relaxation of illegally imposed restrictions.  Californians MUST embrace the "new normal."  Who the hell do these "Democratic" tyrants think they are?   


Yes, the king of leakers, Adam Schiff and his charming prince James Comey, should both have their security clearances permanently revoked. 

The government has been busy trying to get back stimulus checks sent to dead people.  I don't understand the reasoning: if you can vote, why can't you be bribed? 

More and more Americans are getting upset that the riots and violence not only continue, but are spreading and the President doesn't seem to be doing anything about it.  That could have a severe, adverse impact in November! 

The CDC is obviously controlled by the left-wing "establishment" and is in the tank for Joe Biden.  They've again been caught with faulty statistics; only 6% of the claimed Covid-19 deaths can actually be directly attributed to Covid-19.  That agency needs to be disbanded, along with the FBI.  

Don't know what all the ruckus is about Uncle Joe Biden twisting his words and slurring his speech.  Most Democrats don't know how to talk straight... 

Rioters in Portland started chanting "We got a Trumper!" after they shot and killed a pro-police conservative last weekend.  Why didn't CNN report on that? 

The owner of a San Francisco hair salon is complaining because Nancy Pelosi came in for some work when California has had such salons closed for months.  So... why didn't they simply refuse to serve her?  

Joe Biden's campaign raked in a staggering sum of money last month, most of which probably came from George Soros. 

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "Shut up and sit down!  You will do as I say!" ~ Nancy Pelosi


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