Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Could Trey Gowdy Be Correct?

If Trey Gowdy is correct and there are no more indictments coming against ex-Obama officials, there's going to be one helluva lot of ticked off Americans going into the November elections.  


A salon owner in Stroud, UK, was told she could not advertise for a "happy" employee, because that would discriminate against unhappy employees.  As a business owner, I can say with conviction: if you try to tell me I have to hire that "unhappy" employee, you can go pound sand! 

Another salon owner in Minneapolis lost her business during the George Floyd riots when it was torched and the city didn't protect it.  Now, the city has knocked the rest of the building down and billed her $200,000 for doing it.  

In a report published last week by The Atlantic, sources claim President Trump canceled a 2018 visit to a World War I cemetery where American dead were buried because the trip would mess his hair up!  It never ceases to amaze me... they wait two-plus years to lay out such a claim in the middle of a presidential election!  This is obviously a political hit piece and the magazine should go bankrupt for running it.  

President Trump made another plea for Congress to pass a stimulus bill.  I've got news for him!  They're all too busy getting "blow" jobs to take up any legislation! Right, Nancy?  

Kamalala says that if they approve a Covid-19 vaccine before the election, that probably means it's a poison pill designed by Trump.  What do those Democrats drink, anyway?  

She goes on to try and stir up the Black and Hispanic vote by claiming President Trump is guilty of promoting systemic racism.  She is in denial of the fact that Obama started it and Trump is trying to end it. 

Joe Biden made it clear last week that he is not in charge of his own life; he is not allowed to say one peep unless his handlers approve.  Speaking at a Kenosha, Wisconsin church, he abruptly stopped and admitted that if he kept speaking, "They'll shoot me!"

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "I'm in way over my head." ~ Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler

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