Friday, September 18, 2020

Did Omar Order Shooting Of Opponent's Aides?

Two outreach staffers for Republican candidate Lacy Johnson, who is challenging Ilhan Omar in Minnesota’s 5th District, were shot Wednesday while outside a gas station in north Minneapolis. Andre Conley, a 17-year-old, died. There have been no statements about the tragedy from Omar's team.    


With New York City facing a $2 billion deficit, Mayor DeBlasio is seriously attacking the problem by having a one week furlough in the Mayor's Office, thereby saving $860,000... including his $5,000 share.  Let's see... overall, that's .000043%.  Good job, Mayor! You show them just how lean your machine really is! Go get 'em, dimwit! 

Why is it that Coronavirus stats are lower in Republican-controlled states than in Democrat-controlled states? 

Many moderate Dems, some in key swing states, are asking Pelosi to get a Covid-19 relief bill passed, citing unhappy constituents. Pelosi's response? Stuff it! 

A woman caught a guy preparing to light matches on her Oregon property, grabbed her gun and detained the suspect until police arrived. Some Dems are now demanding that her guns be confiscated.  They are truly mean and evil, aren't they?  

Anti-mask protesters stormed a Florida Target Store, demanding that customers take off their masks. Let me be clear: I don't like Target and I don't like masks! But people do have the right to make their own choices, whether or not to wear masks!   

A recent scientific study concludes that global emissions could be cut by as much as 50% if Democrats would just keep their mouths shut! 

You wanna get rid of Pelosi as Speaker? The only way to do that is to put the Republicans back in control of the House! Vote accordingly.  

Aren't you damned-well sick and tired of the numbers games the Democrats are playing with the Covid-19 stats? And they want you to vote for them? 

Yesterday was the day, according to an OANN report, Antifa, BLM and anarchists were supposed to invade Washington and storm the White House. 

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "Thank God, the last Republican has already packed up and left the state. The remaining Democrats won't sqwuak at all when I raise their taxes!" ~ California Governor Gavin Newsom

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