Friday, September 11, 2020

Let California Burn!

Newsom's Democrats have already turned it into a wasteland anyway!


Do you suppose if all of the nation's police chiefs and cops were to resign, that would give us Americans license to start shooting some of the nation's shit-disturbers?  

The city of Richmond, Virginia just passed a sweeping law the prohibits anyone from carrying a gun near any event that requires a city permit.  Presumably, thugs, rapists and murderers will comply.  

Adam Schiff says another "whistleblower" has come forth against President Trump and, by golly, Schiff is going to investigate it! Will somebody please give Schiff an enema? Cinnamon oil would work...

For some reason, Barack Obama is not on President Trump's latest list of potential Supreme Court nominees. 

Michigan's sweet Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who's been unrelenting in her criticism of President Trump's border wall, has installed a high-security electrified fence around her mansion... and expects the taxpayers to fork over $1.1 million to pay for it.  

Bob Woodward, who successfully took down one president, seems to be bound and determined to take down another.  

Why would the former director of the NSA join the Board of  Is Amazon also going to be spying on us from now on?  

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "How come all of the Netflix "Cuties" are Democrats?" ~ Sarah Huckabee Sanders

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