Monday, September 21, 2020

AOC Takes Command!

After Ruth Bader Ginsberg's death, New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stepped to the leadership position of her party Friday by exhorting fellow Democrats to "be ready" because reproductive rights, marriage equality, labor protections, climate change and health care are now all at a "tipping point." "Let this moment radicalize you," she urged.   “Let this moment really put everything into stark focus because this election has always been about the fight of and for our lives. And if anything, tonight is making that more clear to more people than ever before!” 

Nancy Pelosi has been too busy looking for a new hair dresser to respond directly, but she is fighting back trying to be relevant once again by threatening to impeach Trump... again!    


Democrats exploded in outrage Friday and Saturday, angered that Ginsberg had the audacity to die before the November elections! The left-wing Fascists of the country are threatening that if anyone even thinks of naming a new Supreme Court Justice before the November elections, they'll burn down Congress and the Supreme Court! Now that I think about it, maybe that's not such a bad idea?   

Aww shucks! Barack Hussein Obama is not on Biden's list of potential Supreme Court nominees! Word is that, if Joe should be elected, he might very well pick Cory Booker to be on the Supreme Court!  

If the debates actually happen, will Uncle Joe be allowed to use a teleprompter to answer his questions?  

Why is FOX NEWS covering up for George Soros? 

Yet another Chicago postal worker has been shot on the job and postal workers are now saying they are going to stop delivering mail unless the situation changes. Why aren't the Feds in there protecting federal workers? Where is Ms. Lighthead?  

Uncle Joe says almost 200 million Americans have died with the Chinese virus.  That only leaves 130 million of us in the country, all Americans, and we're all voting for Trump.  Joe's in trouble! 

Every time the liberals, the media and the Fascist Democrats open their mouths, they make it much more evident that we Americans have to take them all out in November!

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "If we allow Trump to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice, I'm going to resign my seat and move to Canada!" ~ Sen. Richard Blumenthal

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