Friday, September 25, 2020

It's No Wonder People Are Buying Guns And Ammo!

A Brooklyn Minnesota man who hung a “Trump 2020” flag on his truck awoke early Wednesday to find his family’s garage and three vehicles in flames, local police said. The house itself sustained only minor damage and the family escaped without injuries. People sleeping in the house could have died of smoke inhalation or of the fire itself, had it spread to the main residence.  

This is a hate crime, domestic terrorism, pure and simple! It's only going to get worse, so you'd be wise to arm yourselves!


California's Fuhrer Gavin Newsom has decreed that no gas powered cars can be sold in California starting in 2035! Back to coal-fired Stanley Steamers, I guess...

The main reason Kamalalala is holding no press conferences is that she's been busy selecting names for her presidential cabinet! 

It's the consensus of opinion that if we elect another Democrat-controlled House, AOC will become the new Speaker. In a typical show of lack of intelligence, AOC is calling on Cuomo and DeBlasio to raise taxes to cover budget shortfalls caused by people packing up and leaving the state due to... high taxes!  

A ten-year-old girl in Medford, Oregon, has raised thousands of dollars by selling lemonade to help those who lost their homes in the recent Almeda Fire. She couldn't do that in California: she'd need a business license, a health certificate, an environmental impact study and a court ruling allowing her to work as a juvenile.  

Will the next mayor of Seattle be a tulip or a daisy, to replace the daffodil currently in charge? How about a skunk cabbage?

John Durham is rumored to be investigating the investigation of the Clinton Foundation and its hundreds of millions of dollars in illicit foreign donations. I've got news for him: There's nothing left to investigate! It's like those thousands of emails Clinton was subpoenaed for... evaporated into thin air! 

Joe Biden can't seem to function in public for more than a couple of hours at a time. If he is out and about before noon, he has been putting a "lid" on his day of activities at noon or shortly thereafter, retreating to his bunker in Delaware.  If he's out in the afternoon, he's nowhere to be seen before noon.  These facts, coupled with his growing lack of coherence and ability to respond to even the most simple of questions, underscore his inability to withstand the vigors of a full day of presidential business. 

Three trays of mail containing absentee presidential ballots have been found in a Wisconsin ditch. Absentee ballots cast by members of the military in Pennsylvania were "accidentally" discarded. All of them were votes for Trump. So, if you're not supposed to open and count absentee ballots until election day, and it is known that the votes were cast for Trump, how can this be an "accident?"  

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "Given what we know today, it's difficult to imagine that Joe Biden is the best candidate out of an original field of some 30 Democrat candidates." ~ Nancy Pelosi

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