Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Barack Hussein Obama, our beloved president, has sent to the Senate his signed treaty with the United Nations which would force gun control on Americans. 

That, my friends, was his Christmas present to you.  But, fear not; the GOP-controlled Senate is not likely to ratify that treaty.  Even if they did, as some future liberal Senate might, it would be unconstitutional and, with a conservative Supreme Court under Trump, most likely would be so ruled against.  Thank God Trump won, or we’d be in deep beetle juice. 
Q. California is so left-wing liberal in the legislature, courts and Governor’s office, but most of the people I know are not.  What gives?  (Hester ~ Meadow Vista, CA)
A. The three major metropolitan areas of the state, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Berkeley, are infested with left-wing radicals who, because of their overwhelming voting power, control all of the state politics.  Alas, there is no possibility that someone will come along and “Make California Great Again.” 

Q. The recent affidavit unsealed in the Clinton-Weiner laptop probe shows clearly that the contents of the laptop posed extreme “damage” to national security; unauthorized disclosure of the 65 “secret” level emails could cause “serious damage” to national security, and unauthorized disclosure of the 22 “top secret” emails could cause “exceptionally grave damage” to national security.  So, why didn’t Comey bring charges against her? (Herbie ~ Willows, CA)
A. Because Barry Obama and Loretta Lynch told him he’d damned-well better sit down and shut up.  And regardless of his golden-boy reputation, he saw fit to do just that.      

Q. I cannot believe the hole that the Democrats continue to dig themselves into.  Are they finished as a party?  (Buck ~ Lander, WY)
A. We can hope that the sides of the hole will cave in and totally bury them.  Good riddance; just look at what they have managed to do to this country. 

“I don’t play golf and I don’t have a mistress.” ~ Kellyanne Conway dissing Bill Clinton and Barack Obama while explaining how she manages to get so much work done. 


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