Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Joe Sheahan, whose family once operated a mine near Area 51, is embroiled in a lawsuit over the government’s eminent domain action which seized the mine from him and proposed to reimburse him what he deems to be a paltry sum… $333,000.  It was known as the Groom Mine, located in the Groom Mountain range near the old Groom Lake dry lake bed. 

Nevada’s famed Area 51 was not always owned by the government.  At one time, much of it was raw land with a few independent mining operations, farms and ranches.  Bit by bit, the government has been expanding the boundaries of Area 51 through outright purchase or eminent domain actions.  In an effort to force Sheahan’s grandparents from the land back in the 1950’s, the government conducted an unannounced above ground nuclear test near the mine.  The government and the Sheahans are now locked in discussions over the value of the land and have vowed to fight the case all of the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.  Since they are not physically on the property, it is not known if any UFO’s have been flying by.   
Q. Supposing the Electoral College gives Hillary the presidency.  What happens then?  (Avis ~ Tulare, CA)
A. Civil War II. 

Q. What is former FOX NEWS host Greta Van Susteren up to these days?  (Penny ~ Logandale, NV)
A. Who knows?  But, her former website, greta.com, has been taken over by Pet Connect Rescue.     

Q. You don’t really think Hillary will run for election again in 2020 do you?  (Gibes ~ Yreka, CA)
A. She has to quit running for 2016 first. 

“I sing about UFOs and extraterrestrials, and so I designed a UFO fashion.  In includes science fiction bikinis and Bermuda Triangle shorts.” ~ Nina Hagen


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