Wednesday, December 14, 2016


In a nationwide movement, schools, universities and cities are now offering counseling services for those who can’t deal with the thought of a Trump presidency. 

The next thing you know, they’re going to be wanting treatment for PTSD and filing for SSI Disability.  Obama zombies are a battalion of weanies. 
Q. What do you make of the big uproar over Tillerson for Secretary of State?  (Aaron ~ Los Altos, CA)
A. I suppose they’d like more “deals” like the one Kerry made with Iran?  Maybe they’d like to have Michael Moore in that job?  These loons, and I include Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and John McCain in the left-wing establishment… these loons are not Americans at all; they’re obstructionists, pure and simple. 

Q. Any thoughts on the Democrats who are demanding another election on the basis that Russia hacked the November elections?  (Chester ~ Morgan City, LA)
A. With all of the progress he’s making right now, his popularity is soaring; just look at the stock market.  If there were another election right now, Hillary would be lucky to get 20% of the vote.  I’m not even sure Chelsea would vote for her.      

Q. What do you think the real reason is that Trump is avoiding intelligence briefings?  (Elizabeth ~ Orlando, FL)
A. Virtually every agency in government has been politicized by Obama.  Why should Trump trust anything any intelligence agency has to say until he gets his own people in charge? 

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” ~ Abraham Lincoln


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