Monday, December 19, 2016


Paul Krugman of the NEW YORK TIMES suggests that Trump wants a 9/11-style attack on the United States in order to stir up his base. 

Trump calls the article “demented.”  I agree.  It’s poisonous, venomous, and exhibits all of the attributes of psychosis.  He has no sense of dignity, propriety or fundamental Americanism.  He is the epitome of what the Democrats have become: sick and tormented, cruel and soulless self-serving radicals. Talk about being "deplorable..."
Q. Do you believe the Russians hacked the elections?  (Bernadine ~ Ukiah, CA)
A. I don’t necessarily believe that they hacked, per se.  I believe for certain that they attempted to hack Trump, Clinton, DNC and RNC computers and probably the individual states voting equipment as well.  I also believe the Chinese, Iranians and North Koreans attempted to hack; that’s just the nature of foreign relations these days and has been for decades.  We hacked Angela Merkel’s cell phone, didn’t we?  I don’t know that anyone attempted hack was successful.  As far as WikiLeaks goes, ask yourself if anything they published or released was alleged by any party to be untrue. 

Q. Do you think China will actually return the stolen submarine drone?  (Riley ~ Snohomish, WA)
A. After they’re finished analyzing it, they’ll probably return it in pieces in a crate... through the Taiwanese government just to make a point.      

Q. Trump says the Chinese might as well keep the drone.  What do you think our reaction should have been?  (Lolita ~ Twin Falls, ID)
A. I would have flown about 50 B-52 bombers at extremely low altitudes over the Spratly Islands about ten times and dropped a few duds while I was at it. 

“One sees more and more people who are miserable and demented, and you feel it would be both kind and wise to leave them a few pills.” ~ Deborah Moggach


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