Saturday, January 30, 2016


The news for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign grew considerably worse yesterday when the State Department revealed some of her emails were so sensitive… so classified… that they could not be released in any form, redacted or not.  And, in an effort to cover for their former boss, they withheld more emails that are scheduled to be released this weekend, saying, (in defiance of court orders), that they will not be released until after the first few primaries.  Clinton and her staff also stand accused of “cutting and pasting” emails so as to enable her to say that they had no classified markings on them when they went through her private, unauthorized server.  All of this was capped off by a late Friday-afternoon statement from Obama that, indeed, there were Top Secret emails on Hillary's server.   


The plot thickens and the bubble is about to burst.  I’ll bet her commode is working overtime. 

Q. How do you think the FOX NEWS debates went without Trump?  (Bonzo ~ Hollywood, CA)
A. I can’t give an honest and personal opinion, because I obviously didn’t watch.  But, judging from what CNN, ABC and others are saying, it was not a spectacular success by any means and Ted Cruz, being the only big player left on stage, failed to live up to expectations.  It certainly let the air out of Megyn Kelly’s tires. 

Q. How is Bill Clinton doing on the campaign trail?  (Morgan ~ Claremont, NH)
A. Fantastic.  He showed up in Reno last week and all of 500 people attended.  BIG whoopee!!!

Q. I watched the debates Thursday night and was impressed at how some of the candidates started countering some of FOX NEWS’ stupid or aggravating questions.  Maybe Trump’s “snit” is waking some people up?  (Gabby ~ Covina, CA)
A. Check this out: Click here  I saw a clip where Cruz even threatened to walk out.  But FOX still has its head up its fanny.  WAY up there. 


“FOX NEWS has become the puppet of the “establishment.” ~ Unknown Scribbler

TODAY’S VIDEO: (He’ll make a good politician; he knows how to make things appear and disappear.

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