Wednesday, January 27, 2016


That’s the conclusion of the now infamous NATIONAL REVIEW in its latest diatribe which labels any Trump supporter as being a homophobe or ignorant bigot, according to BREITBART.COM.  


Gosh, maybe I should cancel my subscription, as if I ever had one?  Hiss on them; if they can’t offer anything positive to the conversation on politics, they should be out of business. 


Q. What is your position on the Academy Awards racial issue?  (Tim ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. I guess if you can’t act, you should try the liberal Democrat tactic of bullying your way through life?  Can you imagine a Spencer Tracy being denied an Oscar because he was bumped out by a racial quota guy, such as Ice Cube?

Q.  They just had a lot of top executives bite the dust at Twitter.  What’s going on?  (Cleo ~ Red Bluff, CA)
A.  Earnings are down and their stock is heading for the basement.  That’s what’s all atwitter at Twitter. 

Q.  I just went to purchase a handgun and was denied because of my background check.  I am squeaky clean, never been arrested or charged and I have no mental issues.  I’m not a terrorist and, as far as I know, I have no criminal associations.  I tried to appeal the decision or find out what was the matter and they said they don’t do appeals and can’t discuss the reason for the denial.  What can I do now?  (Sid ~ Raton, NM)
A.  You’ll have to get an attorney.  The FBI has arbitrarily stopped the handling of any and all appeals, without explanation.  Of course, their denial has become unconstitutional, because they csannot deny you of your rights without due process, but your best shot, (pardon the play on words), is to get an attorney or organization such as the NRA, and sue. 


“I know a twit who tweeted his twife, who was not the tweetor, but was the tweetee.” ~ Unknown Scribbler     


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