Monday, January 25, 2016


Defense Secretary Ash Carter is reportedly considering retroactively demoting retired General David Petraeus, amid a crackdown on generals who engage in misconduct.  Petraeus was removed from office for mishandling classified information. 

In the meanwhile, Hillary Clinton, who is deemed to have had highly classified and sensitive documents on her illegal personal email server, continues her run to become president of the United States. 
Q. Donald Trump says Megyn Kelly should not be allowed to host this week’s FOX NEWS Debates because she is biased and has a conflict of interest.  Do you agree?  (Pedro ~ Lancaster, CA)
A. In the very first GOP debate, Kelly showed an overt attempt to sandbag Trump and to make him look like a jackass.  This led to a huge feud between FOX and Trump as soon as the debate was over.  Since then, she has often snickered whenever his name has come up on her show.  FOX NEWS is not backing down, saying she is not biased and Trump is just whining, trying to build up the audience.  Trump should not have waited this long to lodge his protest, but FOX is wrong to have her involved and this shows that FOX indeed has acquired a political agenda on behalf of the establishment.  Trump appears on all of the other FOX shows, but not on Kelly’s; what does THAT say about FOX’s agenda here?  Evidently, FOX is betting all of its marbles on the hen house. 

Q. Things are getting out of hand.  I understand the military will now be getting rid of sexual distinctions?  (Lois ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. Yes.  For example, they’re now trying to figure out how to replace the title, “Midshipman.”  They’ll soon have unisex bathrooms in which, I presume, it will no longer matter to anyone whether or not the toilet seat is left UP. 

Q. Has there been a terrorist threat to the Super Bowl that we’re not hearing about?  (Vi ~ Palo Alto, CA)
A. The FBI has issued a bulletin claiming a significant threat.  You’ll note that the White House and the DHS are maintaining absolute silence on the subject.  One thing is for certain: they'll be checking the air pressure in the footballs.  

“Those who want the government to regulate matters of the mind and spirit are like men who are so afraid of being murdered that they commit suicide to avoid assassination.” ~ Harry S. Truman


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